T. O. 35C2-3-442-2
TM 5-6115-457-34
c . Install connecting rods and pistons
and are positioned in a vertical position.
The remaining camshaft bearings (45) have
only one hole and must be positioned with
d. Install camshaft group (para-
hole in a downward position.
graph 8-211).
h. Camshaft front bearing (40) must be
e. Install flywheel and flywheel housing
recessed 0.06 of an inch from front face of
camshaft bore, oil hole in bearing (40)
f. Install cylinder head (para-
must align with oil hole in cylinder block
graph 8-195).
(51), and joint in bearing (40) must face
cylinder block (51) centerline. Intermediate
bearings (45) must be flush with front face
g. Install valve cover and valve mech-
of bearing bore. Rear bearing (45) must
be recessed 0.06 of an inch from rear face
of bore.
h. Install oil pump group (para-
graph 8-179).
i. The maximum allowable clearance
between camshaft journal and bearing that
i. Install oil pan group and related
is pressed into cylinder block is 0.008 inch.
This clearance can be measured by using a
I. D. of each camshaft bearing after it has
been pressed into the block. Use a suitable'
k. Install accessory drive group (para-
sponding O. D. of each camshaft journal.
graph 8-157).
Subtract the O. D. dimension of the cam-
1. Install fuel injection group (para-
shaft journal from the I.D. of the camshaft
graph 8-148).
bearing in the block. The result will be
the running clearance between the cam-
shaft and the camshaft bearing. If the
m. Install utility governor group
clearance exceeds O. 008 inch, replace
camshaft bearing.
n. Install crankshaft pulley, damper,
j . Install cylinder block covers using
and timing gear cover group (para-
new gaskets.
graph 8-132).
o. Install governor actuator unit
a. Installation of cylinder block and
covers group is accomplished during
p. Install hydraulic pump drive group
b. Install crankshaft group and main
q. Install hydraulic pump (precise sets