P-9-TM-457-35 T.O. 35C2-3-442-2
TM-07464A-35 TM 5-6115-457-34
2.5 is obtained on meter VI. Adjust to 1
(g) Position switch S1 to A. Ad-
volt as a starting point. Tighten the set
just 24 vdc power supply until MA2 indicates
screw (29) in place.
700 40 ma. Piston shall fully retract.
Gauge G1 shall indicate 310 to 400 psi.
d. Move the piston (39) gradually
Gauge G2 shall indicate 0 to 20 psi.
towards the fully closed throttle position.
The transducer secondary voltage shall
(h) Position switch S1 to C. Ad-
increase in a linear manner to a maximum
just 24 vdc power supply until MA1 indicates
of 48 to 55 volts. Loosen set screw (29) and
700 40 ma. Piston shall fully extend.
adjust to 50 volts as a starting point. Re-
Gauge G1 shall indicate 0 to 40 psi. Gauge
peat core adjustment until the transducer
G2 shall indicate 310 to 400 psi.
secondary voltage increases linearly from
the lowest possible value to a maximum
c. Actuator Output Shaft Position Trans-
value over the entire 1.0 inch travel of the
ducer Test and Adjustment. Connect volt-
piston (39). The ideal voltage range would
meter V1 and power sources to receptacle
be from 0.5 volt minimum to 55 volts max-
imum. This range may not be possible to
and proceed as follows:
obtain so the widest voltage spread will be
acceptable as long as the minimum and
maximum voltages are within the specified
Hydraulic system components are not
e. Tighten transducer core set screw
used during this test.
(29) .
The output shaft position transducer
cise governor actuator in reverse order of
is factory aligned and does not norm-
index numbers assigned. Pay particular
ally require readjustment.
attention to the following.
1. Turn on the power supply.
a. Before connecting actuator clevis to
linkage, rotate fuel injection pump lever to
2. Move the actuator output shaft
maximum throttle position and scribe an
to fully extended position. Transducer
indicating mark for referent e. Then rotate
assembly (40) locked in place at dimensions
fuel injection pump lever to minimum
throttle position and scribe an indicating
0.5 to 2.5 volts. This shall be minimum
mark for reference.
voltage regardless of what other position
the output shaft is placed.
Fill FUEL POSITION on pump lever
3. If voltage range on V1 is not with
is when top of lever is pushed towards
the required 0.5 to 2.5 volts, loosen trans-
f rent of engine.
b. Install actuator on mounting plate and
link (32) and move the core relative to the
secure with four mounting bolts.
body until the minimum voltage of 0.5 to