TM 5-6115-457-34
( 2 3 ) or shaft (35) is being replaced. Press
seal and ceramic ring assembly (33) out
of impeller end of housing.
The water pump is mounted on the
front side of the timing gear cover. The
centrifugal-type pump is driven by the cam-
s h a f t gear. The pump consists of an
impeller and drive gear mounted on a
c o m m o n rotating shaft. Seals mounted on
the shaft prevent water from leaking into
Cleating Solvents are flammable and
the gear section and oil from leaking into
moderately toxic to skin, eyes and
t h e impeller section. As the engine is
respiratory tract. Eye and skin
running, the drive gear in the water pump
protect ion required. Good general
t u r n s the shaft and impeller. The impeller
v e n t i l a t i o n is normally adequate.
creates a forceful flow of water through the
engine cooling system.
a. Clean all metal parts with an ap-
proved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
b . Clean calcium deposits from housing
R e f e r to Operator and Organiza-
using a stiff wire brush.
t i o n a l maintenance Manual, and remove
w a t e r pump.
c . Remove all traces of old gasket
m a t e r i a l from gear cover.
semble water pump in the order of index
n u m b e r s assigned. P a y particular attention
r o t a t i o n . Replace a bearing if its rotation
to the following:
is rough.
a. Remove impeller (30) by removing
b . Inspect bearings for pits, scratches,
cotter pin (27), nut (28) and lock w a s h e r
c r a c k s or chipped races. Replace
(29). Install three 5/16-18 inch bolts in
d e f e c t i v e bearing.
tapped holes provided on the impeller.
Thread bolts evenly as they bottom out on
c . I n s p e c t shaft for nicks, burrs, pits
housing. As tension is increased,
c r a c k s . Replace defective shaft.
impeller will slide from tapered shaft.
d . Inspect threaded parts for thread
b. When pressing shaft (35) and bearing
(34) out of housing, place a nut on end of
e . Inspect impeller for nicks, burrs,
shaft (35) to protect threads,
e r o s i o n , or cracks, R e p l a c e erroded or
c . Press shaft (35)
and bearing (34) out
c r a c k e d impeller.
of housing (42). P r e s s
from impeller end.
f. Inspect cover and housing for
Do not remove bearing
(34) and gear (23)
c r a c k s . R e p l a c e defective parts.
front shaft (35) unless
bearing (34), gear
Change 8