T M 5-6115-457-34
5. Cylinder liner flange thickness.
6. Install lower main bearing caps,
ble cylinder block and covers group in the
and tighten bolts from 27 to 33 foot-pounds
torque. Measure main bearing bore
particular attention to the following:
a. Use a suitable puller to remove
cylinder liners ( 12) from cylinder block (51).
7. If allowable limits are exceeded,
Mark liners in accordance with cylinders
replace part.
they were removed from.
b. Use a suitable puller and remove
b . Inspect cylinder liners for cracks,
8 - 2 3 1 . CLEANING.
s c o r i n g , distortion, excessive wear, and
other defects.
c . I n s p e c t covers for cracks, breaks,
Cleaning Solvents are f lammable and
distortion, and other defects.
moderately toxic to skin, eyes and
respiratory tract. Eye and skin
d. Inspect cylinder bore for an out of
protection required. Good general
ventilation is normally adequate.
round c ondition.
Compressed air used for cleaning and
drying purposes can create airborne
e. Inspect top of cylinder block for
particles that may enter the eyes.
grooving or roughness.
Pressure shall not exceed 30 psig.
Eye protection is required.
f . Inspect camshaft bearings for
a. Clean parts with an approved clean-
grooves or score marks on O. D. of bear-
ing solvent, and dry thoroughly.
ings. If noted, this would indicate that
b. Clean all oil passages with a brush
or rod, and use compressed air on passages.
c . Remove rust and scale from outside
g. Inspect for damaged threads.
surface of cylinder liners using a stiff
h. Discard all gaskets and seals.
d. . Remove rust and scale from water
jacket in cylinder Mock.
8-233. REPAIR.
8 - 2 3 2 . INSPECTION.
Repair tapped holes that are nicked
or burred by retapping with a suitable tap.
check for excessive wear as follows:
1. Liner counterbore depth.
Camshaft bearing bore.
ble cylinder block and covers group in the
3. Camshaft bearing to block
Pay particular attention to the following:
a. Install new seals (13) on cylinder
liner (12).
4 . Cylinder line bore.
Change 8