T . O . 35C2-3-442-2
TM 5-6115-457-34
caps (3).. Tighten an additional 85 to
graph 8-179).
95 degrees from mark.
e. Install oil pan group (para-
h. Measure crankshaft end clearance
graph 8-171).
by pushing crankshaft to one end of cylinder
f. Install crankshaft pulley, damper,
block, and using a feeler gauge, measure
and timing gear cover group (para-
the clearance between the machined face of
the crankshaft flange and the flange of the
graph 8-132).
lower half of rear main bearing. Clearance
should be 0.0025 to 0.0145 inch.
g. Refer to Operator and Organiza-
tional Maintenance Manual and install
install connecting rod lower bearing and
h. Install hydraulic pump drive group
end caps.
i. Install hydraulic pump (precise sets
a. Installation of the crankshaft group
j . Install hydraulic tank (precise sets
and main bearings is accomplished during
k. Install water pump group (para-
graph 8-124).
b. Install flywheel and flywheel housing
1. Install fan mounting group (para-
graph 8-37).
c . Refer to Operator and Organiza-
tional Maintenance Manual and install
m. Install engine assembly (para-
turbocharger group and air cleaner,
graph 2-8).
Section XXX,
8-228, GENERAL,
and around the cylinder liners and other
passages that carry lubricating oil to all
The cylinder block and covers
moving parts. Seals on the liners prevent
group consists of replaceable cylinder
leakage of coolant into the engine lubricat-
liners, plugs, covers, pins, and end plates.
ing system. The flywheel housing attaches
The cylinder block assembly consists of a
to the rear of the cylinder block and the
cast cylinder block, which forms the main
timing gear cover and water pump to the
structural part of the engine. The cylinder
front end of the block. The oil pan and
block has passages that carry coolant to
plate attach to the bottom of the cylinder
block. A compression gasket forms a