T.O. 35 C2-3-442-2
TM 5-6115-457-34
tight seal between the cylinder block
h. Remove hydraulic pump (precise sets
assembly and the cylinder head assembly.
8 - 2 2 9 . REMOVAL.
Remove hydraulic pump drive group
graph 2-8).
Remove governor actuator unit
b. Refer to Operator and Organiza-
tional Maintenance Manual and remove the
k. Remove crankshaft pulley, damper,
and timing gear cover group (para-
graph 8-126).
Engine wiring harness.
1. Remove utility governor group
3 . Ether atomizer.
m. Remove fuel injection group (para-
graph 8-142).
Lube oil filter group.
n. Remove accessory drive group
(paragraph 8-151).
5. Manual throttle control.
6. Day tank assembly.
7 . Turbocharger group.
p. Remove oil pan group and related
8. Starter motor assembly.
parts (paragraph 8-165).
graph 8-173).
10. Water pump group.
Remove valve cover and mechanism
c . Remove fan mounting group (para-
graph 8-31).
s. Remove cylinder head group (para-
graph 8-189).
t. Remove flywheel and flywheel hous-
e. Remove fuel pump group (para-
ing group (paragraph 8-197).
graph 8-62).
u. Remove camshaft group (para-
graph 8-205).
f. Remove oil cooler group (para-
graph 8-78).
v. Remove connecting rods and pistons
g. Remove hydraulic tank (precise sets
w. Remove crankshaft group and main