T O 35C2-3-442-2
T M 5-6115-457-34
8-213. REMOVAL.
graph 8-173).
k. Removal of the connecting rods and
a . Refer to Operator and Organiza-
pistons is accomplished during disassem-
ti onal Maintenance Manual and remove the
ble connecting rods and pistons group in
hose clamps and remove top radiator hose
particular attention to the following:
and water bypass hose.
a. Prior to removing piston, note the
condition at the top of cylinder liner. If a
carbon ridge is present, it must be removed
using a suitable ridge reamer.
4 . Remove ether start atomizer.
b. Rotate crankshaft until the connecting
rod and piston to be removed is at top dead
5 . Remove sensing bulbs from
center. Carefully remove each connecting
thermostat housing.
rod and piston by pushing it out through top
of cylinder.
6 . Remove oil filter assembly.
c. Using a suitable retaining ring
r e m o v e r , remove two retaining rings (5).
b . Remove lifting frame assembly
Using a suitable drift, drive out piston
pin (6).
d. Using suitable tools, drive out
c . Remove fan mounting group (para-
bushing (8) from connecting rod (7).
graph 8-31).
e. Tag each bearing halve (3), connect-
ing rod assembly (9), and piston assem bly
d. Refer to Operation and Organiza-
(14) indicating which cylinder they were
tional Maintenance Manual and remove
r e m o v e d from.
f. Use a suitable piston ring expander
to remove piston rings (10, 11, and 12)
from the pistons (13).
f. Disconnect fuel lines from fuel
8 - 2 1 5 . CLEANING.
Cleaning Solvents are f lammable and
moderately toxic to skin, eyes and
h . Remove cylinder head group (para-
respiratory tract. Eye and skin
graph 8-189).
protection required. Good general
ventilation is normally adequate.
a. Clean parts with an approved clean-
i. Remove oil pan group (para-
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
graph 8-165).
Change 8