T O 35C2-3-442-2
T M 5-6115-457-34
4. Rotate cylinder block so that
b. Measure bearing clearance between
bottom of block is facing up.
bearings and camshaft journals as follows:
measure I.D. of each camshaft bearing.
Measure diameter of camshaft journal that
Camshaft bearing clearance can be
determined only when camshaft
corresponds to bearing just measured.
bearings are pressed into the cyl-
Subtract measured diameter of camshaft
inder block.
journal from measured I.D. of bearing.
The result is the running clearance. Maxi-
1. If camshaft journal dimension
mum allowable clearance is 0.008 inch. If
within limit, proceed to step 9. If limit is
measured in step a. indicates that journal
exc ceded, replace al 1 five camshaft bear-
wear is within 0.002 inch of each other,
ings. Proceed to step 6.
clearances between camshaft journals and
camshaft bearings can be calculated.
6. Using a suitable puller, remove
all five camshaft bearings.
2. Using a suitable inside microm-
eter, measure the I.D. of the front cam-
7. Using a suitable tool, install new
shaft bearing in the cylinder block. Sub-
camshaft bearings. Front bearing must be
tract the measured diameter of the front
recessed 0.06 inch from front face of cam-
camshaft journal from the I. D. of the front
shaft bore. Oil hole in bearing must align
camshaft bearing in the cylinder block.
with oil hole in cylinder block, and joint in
The result is the running clearance. Maxi-
bearing must face cylinder block centerline.
mum allowable clearance is 0.008 inch.
Intermediate bearings must be flush with
front face of bearing bore. Rear bearing
3. If camshaft journal wear was
must be recessed 0.06 inch from rear face
found to be more than 0.002 inch difference
of bore.
between any two journals, the individual
camshaft bearings in the cylinder block will
8 . Recheck running clearance.
have to be checked using the following
Refer to step 5.
(a) Refer to Operator and Organi-
9. Rotate cylinder block so that top
zational Maintenance Manual and remove air
of block is facing up.
cleaner assembly and turbocharger group.
(b) Remove flywheel and flywheel
graph 8-179).
remove bolts (6, 9, and 12), lock washers
new gasket (15) and oil pan (20). Install
(7, 10, and 13), and washers (8, 11, and
14). Remove oil pan (20) and gasket (15).
10, and 13), and bolts (6, 9, and 12).
Discard gasket.
Change 8