T O 35C2-3-442-2
TM 5-6115-457-34
from shaft (41).
8-172. GENERAL.
c. Using a suitable arbor press,
The oil pump is mounted on the
bottom face of the cylinder block at the front
of the engine. The pump is a two-section,
d. Using a suitable arbor press,
positive displacement, gear-type pump.
remove shift (11) from body (45).
One section scavenges oil from the rear of
the engine and dumps it into the oil pan
e. Do not remove ball (42) from body
sump. The other section supplies lubrica-
(45). If ball (42) is damaged, replace
tion, under pressure, to the basic engine
body (45).
through passages in the cylinder block, and
to external components through oil lines.
The pump is driven by the crankshaft
through the oil pump idler gear.
Cleaning Solvents are flammable and
8-173. REMOVAL.
moderately toxic to skin, eyes and
r e s p i r a t o r y tract. Eye and skin
a. Remove fuel fired heater and mount-
protection required. Good general
ing brackets on right side if so equipped.
ventilation is normally adequate.
b. Drain oil from oil pan.
8-175. CLEANING.
c. Disconnect oil pan drain line at valve.
CLean components with an approved
cleaning solvent, and dry thoroughly.
d. Disconnect water connections at the
rear of oil pan.
bolts (6, 9, and 12), lock washers (7, 10,
a. Inspect gear teeth for nicks, burrs,
and 13), and washers (8, 11, and 14).
cracks, and broken teeth. Nicks and burrs
Remove oil pan (20) and gasket (15). Dis-
that extend below the hardened surface of
card gasket.
the gear teeth are cause for rejection of
pump in the order of index numbers assigned.
b. Inspect gear teeth for wear that may
have destroyed the original tooth shape.
If this condition is found, replace gear.
ble oil pump group in the order of index
numbers assigned. Pay particular attention
to the following:
a. Using a suitable puller, remove
check for excessive wear as follows:
1. Drive gear shaft (33) diameter.
blies (33 and 31).
b. Using a suitable puller, remove
2. Gear to cover clearance.
gear (28) from shaft (33) and gear (37)
Change 8