T O 35C2-3-442-2
TM 5-6115-457-34
Section XXVI.
8-196. GENERAL.
The flywheel and flywheel housing
Attach lifting device prior to re-
group is mounted on the rear of the cylinder
moval of bolts (8) to prevent fly-
block, The flywheel and flywheel housing
wheel from falling off the crank-
group consists of a cast housing flywheel,
shaft end.
ring gear, and engine support brackets.
b. To lift flywheel assembly (10),
The ring gear is shrink-fitted to the rim of
thread eyebolt into tapped hole provided on
the flywheel. The purpose of the flywheel
flywheel face.
is to provide a mass at the end of the crank-
c. Attach lifting device, minimum capacity
shaft to smooth out power impulses and
250 lb (113.4 kg), and remove bolts (8), lock-
ring (9), and flywheel (10).
reduce variation in rotative speed; and to
d. Using a suitable mallet, stroke front
provide a mounting surface for the gener-
rater coupling disc. The ring gear provides
face of flywheel housing (21) alternately on
each side of engine to loosen and work fly-
a place for starting motor engagement when
cranking the engine. The flywheel housing
wheel housing (21) off dowel pins.
also provides a machined surface to mount
brackets are bolted to the housing pads to
Do not remove ring gear (11) from
provide support for the engine when the
flywheel assembly (10) unless
damage to ring gear (11) or hous-
flywheel housing also provides a counter-
ing ( 12) is evident.
bore for locating the rear main oil
e. Discard crankshaft seal (22).
8-199. CLEANING.
8-197. REMOVAL.
a. Remove engine assembly (para-
graph 2-8).
Cleaning Solvents are flammable and
b. Refer to Operator and Organizational
moderately toxic to skin, eyes and
Maintenance Manual and remove air cleaner
respiratory tract. Eye and skin
assembly, starter motor, and turbocharger.
protection required. Good general
c. Removal of flywheel and flywheel
ventilation is normally adequate.
housing group is accomplished during dis-
Compressed air used for cleaning and
drying purposes can create airborne
particles that may enter the eyes.
Pressure shall not exceed 30 psig.
Eye protection is required.
flywheel and flywheel housing in the order of
index numbers assigned. Pay particular atten-
a. Clean parts with an approved clean-
tion to the following:
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
b. Remove rust from ring gear, using a
a. Scribe a mark on flywheel and crank-
stiff brush. Wash ring gear with solvent
shaft to show a relative position between
and dry thoroughly.
these two parts.
Change 8