T.O. 35C2-3-442-2
TM 5-6115-457-34
warmup, remove governor cover (6) while
engine is running and move droop bracket
(11) and pin (22) towards maximum posi-
Three-quarter speeds are 1125
tion (away from governor ball head
RPM for 50 hertz operation,
a s s e m b l y (57).
1350 RPM for 60 hertz operation,
and 1500 RPM for 400 hertz
7. When the engine is warmed up,
a d j u s t the droop bracket (11) and pin
(22) as much towards minimun (toward ball
2. O p e r a t e engine at 3/4 rated
speed and at 50 KW for fifteen minutes.
h e a d assembly (57) as possible while
maintaining steady speed. Manually move
t h e engine fuel linkage to cause a
If the
temporary engine speed increase.
Rated speeds are 1500 RPM for
e n g i n e returns to the original steady
50 hertz operation, 1800 RPM for
speed, the adjustment is satisfactory.
60 hertz operation, and 2000 RPM
I f the engine speed does not settle out,
f o r 400 hertz operation.
i n c r e a s e droop slightly (approximately
1/16 of an inch movement of bracket (11)
3. Operate engine at rated speed
C o n t i n u e to increase
a n d test again.
and at 100 KW for 30 minutes.
t h e droop until the operation is satis-
d . RUN- IN. D u r i n g run-in, monitor
Required tightness for cylinder
oil pressure and coolant temperature and
h e a d bolts after test to be 150
c h e c k for unusual noise and vibrations.
foot-pounds minimum.
D i s c o n t i n u e run-in if oil pressure drops
b e l o w 20 psi, if coolant temperature
4 . Shut down engine and tighten
e x c e e d s 217F, or if unusual noise and
a l l b o l t s a n d n u t s . T i g h t e n cylinder
v i b r a t i o n s occur.
1. Start engine and operate at
idle speed (approximately 800 RPM), no
I n s p e c t engine for leakage.
load for 10 minutes.
Change 2