T.O. 35C2-3-442-2
TM 5-6115-457-34
fuel filter and relief valve, speedswitch,
8-150. GENERAL.
and hydraulic filter (precise sets only).
The accessory drive group is
4. Remove fuel pump (para-
mounted to the timing gear housing plate.
graph 8-62).
The accessory drive group consists of
housing assembly, gear assembly, drive
b. If drive housing, drive shaft, drive
shaft, bearing, sleeve, idler gear and
shaft. The accessory drive shaft drives
gear, and idler gear are to be removed,
the utility governor, fuel injection pump,
proceed as follows:
fuel supply pump, and speedswitch. The
1. Remove engine assembly
accessory drive gear is driven indirectly
by the crankshaft gear through an idler
gear which reduces the accessory drive to
2. Refer to Operator and Organi-
one half engine speed.
zational Maintenance Manual and remove
8-151. REMOVAL.
3. Remove fan group (para-
graph 8-3 1).
Removal of the accessory drive
4. Remove water pump group
group does not require removal
of the timing gear cover unless
the drive gear on the accessory
5. Remove hydraulic tank (precise
drive shaft or the idler gear has
to be replaced. If removal of the
accessory drive group less acces-
6. Remove hydraulic pump (precise
sory drive gear and idler gear is
required, perform step a. If
removal of the accessory drive
7. Remove hydraulic pump drive
gear and idler gear is required,
perform step b.
8. Remove crankshaft pulley,
a. If only the removal of the accessory
drive group less the drive gear and idler
damper, and timing gear cover group (para-
gear is required, proceed as follows:
graph 8-126).
1. Remove utility governor group
9. Refer to Operator and Organi-
zational Maintenance Manual and remove
secondary fuel filter and relief valve,
2, Remove fuel injection pump group
speedswitch and hydraulic filter (precise
sets only).
3. Refer to Operator and Organi-
10. Remove fuel pump group
zational Maintenance Manual and remove
Change 1