TM 5-6115-400-35
(3) Installation.
Install valve spring seat,
valve spring, valve rotator, and valve
spring retainer locks using a direct
reversal of removal procedure. When
installing the valve spring, the end of the
spring having the coils closer together
should be installed next to the cylinder
d. Valves and Valve Guides.
(1) Removal.
(a) Remove cylinder heads (refer to
(b) Remove valve springs. Remove
valves from cylinder heads. Place
valves in a rack as they are
removed from cylinder heads so
they can be identified and
reinstalled in their original locations.
(c) The valve guides may be removed
by pressing them out through the
bottom of the cylinder head, using a
valve guide removing tool similar to
(2) Clean and Inspection.
(a) Clean carbon from valves and valve
seats. Clean carbon from valve
guides using a valve guide cleaning
tool (nylon brush).
Do not use a metal cutting type
Figure 56. Removing intake valve guides.
cleaning tool.
differ in other dimensions; they are
(b) Replace intake and exhaust valves
not interchangeable. New guides
if they are cracked, bent, burned, or
must be installed with tapered end
stems are worn. The specified O.D.
of guide at top of cylinder head.
of both intake and exhaust valve
The spiral thread (internal oil
stems is .3715 inch-.3720 inch. The
groove) cut into the bore must be to
specified I.D. of the intake valve
the top of cylinder head on exhaust
guide is .373 inch giving a stem-to-
valve guides and to the bottom on
guide clearance of .001 inch-.0015
intake valve guides.
inch. The specified I.D. of the
exhaust valve guide is .374 inch
(b) Press valve guides into position
giving a stemto-guide clearance of
from bottom of cylinder head with a
.002 inch.0025 inch. Replace valve
guide installing tool, consisting of a
and/or guide if clearance exceeds
stop plate, pilot, exhaust valve
.0055 inch.
guide adapter, and an intake valve
guide adapter.
The adapters
(3) Installation.
establish proper protrusion of guides
above the cylinder head.
guides are the same length but