TM 5-6115-400-35
governor drive adapter (24) and gasket
After valves are installed in cylinder
from cover.
head, make certain valve heads are
(3) Remove cotter pin and nut (29) from
set in a minimum of .064 inch from
upper shaft. Using a puller tool, pull
the cylinder head gasket surface,
auxiliary shaft driving gear (30) from
otherwise serious damage will result.
If valve stand-in is less than .064
(4) Press upper shaft from upper shaft gear
inch, the valve seat on the insert
(15). Remove woodruff key, high profile
must be ground lower until the
key (3), rear thrust washer, laminated
specified stand-in is obtained.
shims, and front thrust washer (5).
46. Accessory Drive
(5) Press upper shaft from drive gear (4).
a. General.
Remove woodruff key.
(1) The accessory drive is pressure lubricated
Note. Do not press on end of shaft; use a
from the engine main oil gallery by an oil
sleeve that will contact large shoulder of
line located inside the timing gear
(6) Remove self-locking nut, plain washer,
(2) The accessory drive upper shaft (7, fig.
and packing from auxiliary shaft (19).
63) is
driven at 1
1/2 times crankshaft
Press shaft, gear, rear thrust plate, and
speed and drives the auxiliary drive gear
bushing from the housing. Remove front
(12) at twice the crankshaft speed. The
thrust washer (13).
lower shaft (27) is driven at 1/2 crankshaft
(7) Remove cotter pin and nut, front thrust
speed.' (3) The upper shaft (7) drives the
washer, and laminated shim from lower
overspeed governor and the auxiliary
shaft (28); remove shaft and gear from
gear (12) drives the hydraulic pump which
housing. Remove rear thrust washer (33)
provides hydraulic pressure to the electric
from dowel pins.
governor actuator. The lower shaft (27)
With threaded end of shaft upward, press
drives the fuel injection pump.
shaft from lower shaft gear and remove
woodruff key.
(1) Remove overspeed governor. Refer to
d. Accessory Drive Inspection. Thoroughly clean
TM 5-6115-400-12.
all parts. Inspect gears, thrust washers, and shafts for
(2) Remove hydraulic pump and hydraulic
wear, cracks, or roughness. Replace worn or damaged
parts. If bushings in housing or cover are worn, they
may be pressed out and new ones installed as described
(3) Remove fuel injection pump. Refer to TM
in the following paragraph.
(4) Remove
accessory drive to timing gear housing
(1) If the old bushings were removed from
and remove accessory drive and gasket
housing, install new bushings making
from the engine.
certain the oil grooves in upper set of
bushings are down and oil grooves in
c. Disassembly.
lower set of bushings are up. Press
(1) Remove the clamping capscrew and
bushings in from each face of housing so
lockwasher from fuel injection pump drive
ends of bushing are 1/32 inch in from
coupling hub; remove coupling and
each face of housing.
woodruff key from accessory drive lower
(2) The I.D. of the bushings after assembly
should be 1.2495 inch1.2507 inch. The
(2) Remove capscrews securing cover to
bushings are the
and gasket. Remove overspeed