TM 5-6115-400-3
specified clearance is .002 inch-.005 inch. If the
clearance is not within this range, press the
upper shaft from the upper shaft gear (15) and
add or remove shims (12) as necessary to
obtain the specified clearance.
Note. Do not install the auxiliary shaft driving
gear at this time.
Install woodruff key in keyway of lower shaft
(28). With the hub end of the lower shaft gear
facing the flange on shaft, press gear (31) into
position on shaft.
Lubricate bushings in housing with clean oil.
Position rear thrust washer on dowel pins in
housing. Rotate the shaft in the housing to be
sure it turns freely.
Install the laminated shim (86), front thrust
washer (37), and nut on the lower shaft. Tighten
the nut securely and check the end play of the
lower shaft; add or remove shims to obtain .002
inch-.005 inch end play. Tighten nut to 75-85 ft.
lbs. torque and secure with cotter pin.
Support the splined end of up/per shaft (1) on
bed plate of a press; place the auxiliary shaft
driving gear (30) on the shaft with hub end of
gear down; press gear on shaft until it is tight
against upper shaft gear (15). Tighten nut to
Figure 66. Installing auxiliary gear and shaft in
125-135 ft. lbs. torque and secure with cotter
Inspect bushing (14) in auxiliary gear (15). The
in washer facing up. Place auxiliary gear (16) in
specified I.D. of a new bushing (installed) is
position on front thrust washer with slotted hub
.8745 inch-.8755 inch and the O.D. of the
of gear facing up. Position rear thrust plate (17)
auxiliary shaft at the bushing location is .872
with tangs of plate in slots of gear hub and
inch .873 inch. Replace any worn or damaged
bronze face of plate facing up. Insert auxiliary
parts. If a new bushing is installed in the gear,
shaft through the gear and into the bore in
the bushing must be reamed to the specified
housing. Press shaft into position in housing.
Remove housing from press. Position a new
Support housing in a press as shown in figure
performed packing over front end of shaft.
66. Install front thrust washer (13, fig. 65) over
Install washer and self-locking nut (7) and
the dowel pins in housing with oil grooves
tighten nut to a torque of 75-85 ft. lbs.
(14) Check clearance between auxiliary gear and
front thrust washer with a feeler gage. The
specified clearance should be .006 inch-.015
inch. If clearance exceeds .020 inch replace
front thrust washer, gear, and/or rear thrust
(15) Inspect bushing (25) in lower shaft bore of the
cover. The specified I.D.