TM 5-6115-400-35
(3) Loosen crankshaft pulley retaining
capscrew and turn out approximately 1/2
(4) Remove two opposite capscrews and
(5) Tighten puller forcing screw. To assist in
loosening pulley hub from crankshaft,
strike puller forcing screw with hammer.
(6) Remove puller tools, crankshaft pulley
retaining capscrew, washer, crankshaft
pulley/vibration damper, and square-cut
If, for any reason, the
crankshaft/pulley vibration damper is
disassembled from the crankshaft
pulley, identify the rear vibration
damper's position in regards to the
keyway so it is assembled to its
original position. Always install the
rear vibration damper to the crankshaft
pulley with the timing marks to the
keyway side of the pulley.
c. Installation.
(1) Install the crankshaft pulley/vibration
damper square-cut key into the crankshaft
(2) Install pulley, washer, and pulley retaining
capscrew. Tighten the capscrew to a
48. Engine Front Mounting Bracket and Timing Gear
Housing Cover
a. General.
(1) The timing gear housing cover encloses
Figure 67. Accessory drive installation.
the timing gear housing and gear train.
An opening at the right side of the cover,
Caution. Do not, under any circumstances, fasten
aligned with a similar opening in the
any type of additional pulleys or drive anything with
timing gear housing, is provided for
the front crankshaft pulley/vibration damper that is
mounting the water pump assembly.
not installed at the factory. Crankshaft breakage
(2) The unitized crankshaft front oil seal is
can occur if this precaution is not adhered to.
located in the timing gear housing cover.
The unitized seal is made up of an inner
b. Removal.
part which fits tight on the crankshaft, and
the outer part which is tight in the front
(1) Remove radiator or other components
pulley/vibration damper removal.
(2) Release tension on fan and water pump
drive belts; remove belts.