TM5-6115-593-34NAVFAC P-8-631-34TO-35C2-3-463-2-paragraph 5-3 c and test as follows:(1)Referring to figure 5-4, use anohmmeter and check for continuitybetween terminals H1 and H2,terminals H2 and H4, and terminalsX2 and X1.(2)With ohmmeter set on high scale,check for no continuitybetweenterminals H1 and H3, and terminalsH2 and X2.(3)Connect a 240 volt input with the coilsin parallel and check for 120 voltoutput.(4)Connect a 480 volt input with the coilsin series and check for 120 voltoutput.(5)If transformers do not meet abovecheck, replace them.b.Transformer T103 (80, figure 5-1). RemoveT103 according to paragraph 5-3 c and testas follows:(1)Refer to figure 5-5 and apply 120V ACbetween terminals 1 and 2. Use avoltmeterto check for indicatedvoltages (within 3 percent) at testpoints shown.(2)Repeat procedure with inputs atterminals 1 and 3, and at terminals 1and 4.(3)If transformer T103 fails to provideany of the indicated voltages, it isdefective and must be replaced.Figure 5-3. Transducer A103, Test Setup5-6
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