TM5-6115-593-34NAVFAC P-8-631-34TO-35C2-3-463-2Figure 5-2. Transducers A107 and A108, Test Setup(d)Connect lead wires, thenremove tags.(2)Replace transducer A103 (31, figure5-1) as follows:NOTETransducer A103 and the generator setfrequency meter must be replaced as amatched set.(a)Replacement of the frequencymeter is within the scope ofOrganizational Maintenance,and is performed in accordancewith Operator andOrganizational MaintenanceManual.(b)Tag and disconnect lead wiresto A103.(c)Remove screws (29) and nuts(30) to remove transducer (31).(d)Secure replacement transducer(31) using screws (29) and nuts(30)(e)Connect wires to A103 and thenremove tags.5-3. TRANSFORMERS.WARNINGBEFORE STARTING ANYMAINTENANCE PROCEDURE, SETMAINTENANCE LOCKOUT SWITCH TOLOCKOUT. DISCONNECT NEGATIVECABLE FROM BATTERIES. REMOVEEXTERNAL POWER BY OPENINGCB101 (EXTERNAL POWER CIRCUITBREAKER) AND DISCONNECTINGPOWER CABLE FROM RECEPTACLEJ101 (120V RECEPTACLE)a.Transformers T101 and T102, Testing (56and 58, figure 5-1). Remove transformersaccording to5-5
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