TM5-6115-593-34NAVFAC P-8-631-34TO-35C2-3-463-2Section VI. CAPACITOR, DIODE, AND CIRCUIT CARDS4-27. CAPACITOR.a.Testing.(1)Disconnect capacitor (58, figure 4-1)leads and remove capacitor from clip(60).(2)With capacitor tester, check capacitor(58) for 40 microfarad capacitance.Replace capacitor if it does not meetspecified capacitance.b.Replacement.(1)Install new capacitor (58) in clip (60).(2)Solder capacitor leads.4-28. DIODE.a.Testing.(1)Disconnect one lead of diode (27,figure 4-1) from terminal board (30).(2)Connect ohmmeter (Rx100) acrossdiode and note reading.(3)Reverse ohmmeter leads to diode andnote reading.(4)A good diode will read high resistancein one direction and low resistance inthe other direction. A shorted diodewill read full scale both ways. Anopen diode will read infinity (noreading) in both directions. Replacediode as required.b.Replacement. Reconnect leads of newdiode (27) on terminal board (30).4-29. CIRCUIT CARDS.a.Testing. Test individual circuit cards forobvious points of continuity using anohmmeter.b.Repair. If breaks on circuit card are minoror few, repair by soldering an insulatedpiece of wire between broken points ofcontinuity. If circuit card is badly burnt orbreaks are irreparable, repair card byreplacement.4-30
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