Figure 4-9.
4 - 2 6 . W i r i n g H a r n e s s e s I n s p e c t i o n , R e p a i r , a n d
R e p l a c e m e n t .
See f i g u r e 4 - 7 and proceed as follows:
(1) Inspect wiring harness ( 5 9 , f i g . 4 - 7 ) for
frayed insulation. cracked or loose ty-wraps, loose
har-ness clamping, and loose connection to compo-
nents and plugs.
(2) Inspect wiring harness connectors for
loose, bent or missing pins.
Tape frayed insulation, replace
cra?ked or loose ty-wraps. tighten wiring harness
mounting clamps and tighten all electrical
Replacem mt.
Tag and disconnect all electri-
cal leads and connectors from wiring harness
( 5 9 ,
f i g .
4 - 7 ) to be removed. Remove all harness clamps
and remove wiring harness. If 30% of the harness
wires are defective, the harness must be rebuilt by
direct maintenance level.
Place wiring harness ( 5 9 ,
f i g .
4 - 7 ) in position, install all harness clamps.
Install red sleeving over each wire terminating at
heating element ( 6 , f i g . 4 - 7 ) , adjacent to the manual
shutter control.
Reconnect electrical leads and
Remove tags.
4 - 2 7 .
C o n t r o l
B o x
I n s p e c t i o n ,
T e s t i n g ,
a n d
R e p l a c e m e n t .
See f i g u r e 4 - 7 and proceed as follows:
Proceed as follows:
(1) See f i g u r e 4 - 7 and inspect control box (45)
for loose mounting, loose connections, and other
evidence of damage.
looeeness, damage, and coolant leaks.
(2) See f i g u r e 4 - 9 , and inspect fuseholder
assembly, fuse, indicator light assemblies, cir-
cuit breaker, and power switch for loose mounting
and other damage.
b. Repair. Hoses and fittings are to be replaced,
c. Replacement. Replace a hose assembly or
fitt~ng as follows:
Test control box as follows:
(1) Set circuit breaker to close position.
(a) Close heater system shutoff cocks.
(2) Set switch to ON position.
(3) Using multimeter, check resistance across
pins J49-A and J49-B. Resistance should be approx-
(b) Remove hose aseembly being replaced,
(c) If fitting is to be replaced, remove the
fitting and plug opening until part is replaced.
imately 7 ohms.
Removal of fuse, opening of circuit
breaker, or setting switch to OFF position should
remove continuity .- If continuity is-not removed,
repair control box at next higher level of maintenance.
(2) Installation. Install hose assembly using
removal steps in reverse order,
4 - 2 0