the period of time required to obtain two consecutive
od) during a six-month period, it is
water temperature readings of 160° F minimum,
recommended that the filters and lubri-
taken at a 15-minute interval. Then continue to
eating oil be changed (para 3-4). If
operate engine for 30 minutes. Check and correct
any coolant or oil leaks.
the accumulated hours of operation dur-
ing the above exercise periods do not
Stop engine as shown in figure
total 100 hours (recommended fuel filter
If the accumulated hours of opera-
change period) during a 12-month period,
tion during the above exercise periods
it is recommended that the fuel filter
do not total 300 hours (recommended lube
element be replaced (para 3-160).
filters and lubricating oil change peri-
2-16. Operation in Extreme Cold (Below- 25°F).
a. General. The engine generator set is designed
to operate in temperatures down to - 25°F without
winterization equipment. To operate successfully at
temperatures below -25° F, the engine must be heated
by integrally mounted electric winterization heating
equipment (fig. 2-12) which receives auxiliary power
from an external source or by a fuel burning winteriza-
tion system (fig. 2-11). Operate fuel burning winter-
ization system for 55 minutes or until fuel burning
winterization system cycles off. Operate electric win-
terization for 5 hrs.
b . Fuel System. Keep the fuel tank as full as pos-
sible to prevent condensation of moisture. Be sure
the proper grade of fuel is used for existing tempera-
Service the fuel filters and strainers (para
3-34b) more frequently than normal. Remove ice,
snow, and moisture from the filler cap and filler
neck. At end of days operation, drain water from
fuel tank (fig. 3-7) and from the fuel filters (para 3-56).
c. Engine Electrical System. Clean the batteries
and cables and inspect for cracked or damaged cases.
Be sure the battery terminals are tight, clean, and
lightly greased. See that the battery cap vent holes
are open.
The electrolyte level must be 3/8 inch
above the plates. To prevent the batteries from freez-
ing, see that they are kept fully charged. Inspect all
electrical wiring for cracks, breaks, and fraying.
Tighten loose connections.
After adding water to the batteries
in freezing temperatures, run the
engine for at least an hour to thor-
oughly mix the water with the
d . Lubrication. Lubricate the engine generator set
in accordance with instructions in paragraphs 3-3 and
e . Cooli ng System.
Inspect the level of the coolant
in the radiator. Inspect the cooling system for leaks,
aying particular attention to gaskets and hose con-
Verify that antifreeze mixture is in ac-
cordance with table 2-1.
f. Air Cleaner. Refer to paragraph 3-32 for proper
maintenance of air cleaner.
2-17. Operation in Extreme Heat (up to + 125° F).
a. Keep the cooling system free from rust and
If necessary, add an approved rust inhibitor.
Keep cooling system filled with clean, approved
Avoid, if possible, the use of alkaline water
or salt water, which cause the accumulation of rust
and scale.
Inspect the belts for proper adjustment.
Be sure that the engine generator set is free of dust
and dirt. Check for obstructions in the cooling fins
of the radiator and make sure shutter controls are
operating properly.
b. Lubricate the engine in accordance with the
instructions in paragraph 3-3 and 3-4.
c. Do not fill the fuel tank too full; allow sufficient
room for fuel expansion.
d . Inspect battery electrolyte level daily. The
plates should be covered with 3/8 inch of water. Add
water if necessary.
Exhaust discharge contains nox-
ious and deadly fumes.
Do not
operate generator sets in in-
closed areas unless exhaust dis-
charge is properly vented to
the outside.
Check that the engine generator
set is free of air-flow restrictions.
When operating indoors, make provisions
for adequate ventilation and the vent-
ing of exhaust fumes to the outside. TO
prevent excessive back pressure, it is
recommended that an exhaust extension
of flexible tubing be no longer than 20
Keep external surface of engine clean.
The unit should be allowed to run at no load to
the engine to cool prior to shutdown.
Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas.
Change 12