a. Where water is available, keep the immediate
area wetted down. Keep the unit as clean as possible,
paying special attention to the screens and grilles.
b. Clean filters and strainers more frequently
than under normal conditions. Be sure that all lub-
ricant containers are tightly sealed and stored in
an area free from dust and sand.
c. Take all necessary precautions to keep dirt and
grit out of the fuel tank.
2-19. Operation Under Rainy or Humid Conditions.
Keep the fuel tank full to prevent forming of conden-
During dry periods when the set is not
operating, open the doors and allow the set to dry out.
Drain water and sediment from fuel tank (fig. 3-7)
more frequently,
2-20. Operation in Salt Water Areas.
a. Salt water causes corrosive action on metal.
Care must be taken to avoid equipment contact with
salt water.
If contact is made, or if the unit is ex-
posed to salt spray, wash the generator set frequently
with clean. fresh water.
b. Remove rust or other corrosion and paint all
damaged preprinted surfaces in accordance with ser-
vices requirements.
2-21. Operation at High Altitudes.
The engine generator set will operate at elevations
up to 5,000 feet above sea level without special ad-
justment or reduction in load. At 8, 000 feet above
sea level, the 50/60 kw rating is reduced to 45 54
kw. Since higher altitudes also increase the possi-
bility of freezing, the coolant antifreeze protection
should be checked (table 2-1) and the batteries should
be tested (paragraph 3-82 b). A reduction in the load
may be also be necessary since engines are more
likely to overheat at high altitudes.
2-22. Operation in Snow.
Keep the fuel tank full to prevent forming of condensa-
tion. Drain water and sediment from fuel tank (fig.
3-7) more frequently. Check coolant antifreeze pro-
tection (table 2-1) and test the batteries (para 3-82b).
Insure that drifting snow does not obstruct normal
cooling air flow.
2-23. Control Cubicle Removal for Remote Operation.
The set is designed for operation with the control panel
located up to 500 feet from the set.
If a remote location is desired, prepare a suitable lo-
cation for mounting the panel. Disconnect and remove
wiring harness (1, Fig. 3-17) and control cubicle as-
sembly (7). Fabricate a new cable of required length
using wire compatible with the connectors P1 and P2.
2-24. General.
This section contains operating instructions for all
kits and auxiliary equipment. Included are the fuel
burning winterization kit, electric winterization kit,
wheel mounting kit, and load bank.
2-25. Fuel Burning Winterization Kit.
The fuel burning winterization kit is utilized to pre-
heat engine coolant and lubricating oil in extreme
cold weather. The fuel burning winterization kit is
installed as described in paragraph 4-4. In ambient
temperature of -65° F, the kit should be placed in
operation a minimum of 55 minutes prior to starting.
Operating time may be reduced or increased for
warmer or colder temperatures, respectively. Op-
erating instructions for the fuel burning winterization
kit are shown in figure 2-11.
2-26. Electrical Winterization Kit.
The electrical winterization kit consists of a heat ex-
changer, control box, coolant pump, thermostat and
The primary purpose of the kit is to
maintain the set in a heated condition, at any ambient
temperature from 125° F. to -65° F. to enable it to
accept 75% of rated load in one step within 20 seconds
after starting action is initiated. The coolant temper-
ature is thermostatically controlled at 130° F. to
150° F.
The kit can also be used to warm the Generator Set for
initial starting within 5 hours at any ambient tempera-
ture down to -65°F.
Power for operation of the kit may be obtained from
any power source that supplies 205 to 240 volts at
50, 60 or 400 Hz single phase. For electrical winter-
ization kit operating instructions refer to Fig. 2-12.
2-27. Wheel Mounting Kit.
The wheel mounting kit provides a means of mobility
for the generator set. The maximum towing speed is
5 mph on paved surfaces. Operation of the wheel
mounting kit is illustrated in figure 2-13.
2-28. Load Bank.
The load bank provides up to 50% of the rated load of
the generator set to compensate for underrated loads.
Operating instructions for the load bank are illustrated
in figure 2-14.
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