TM 5-6115-400-35
Direct and General Support and Depot
7. Specially Designed Tools and Equipment
There are no specially designed tools or equipment
Maintenance Repair Parts
required for repair or overhaul of the generator set.
Direct and General Support and Depot Maintenance
Repair Parts are listed and illustrated in Appendix II.
Probable cause
Probable remedy
8. General
head. The engine
This section provides information useful in
should be disassembled to
diagnosing and correcting unsatisfactory oper-
determine the cause and
ation or failure of the generator set or any of
the necessary parts
its components. Each trouble symptom stated
is followed by a list of probable causes of
Engine Overheats
trouble. The possible remedy recommended is
Probable cause
Probable remedy
described opposite the probable cause.
Improper engine lubrica- .....Check for proper
9. Engine Misses or Operates Erratically
tion. ................................. operation of engine
Probable cause
Probable remedy
........................................ oil pump (para 51).
Valve guides worn .............. Replace valve guides
........................................ (para 45).
13. Starter Will Not Crank Engine
Valve springs weak or .........Replace valve spring (para
Probable cause
Probable remedy
broken.............................. 45).
Starter brush springs ...........Check brush spring tension,
10. Engine Lacks Power
weak. ............................... replace springs if neces-
Probable cause
Probable remedy
........................................ sary (para 31).
Piston assemblies worn _---Replace piston assemblies
Starter commutator dirty......Polish commutator,
or worn............................. machine commutator
High engine temperature .....Repair or replace a
........................................ and under-cut mica if
caused by defective ......... defective water pump
........................................ necessary (para 31).
Starter armature shaft .........Replace worn bushings and
11. Engine Will Not Turn
bushings worn (arma-....... related items (para 31).
Probable cause
Probable remedy
ture drags on fields).
Engine is locked or ..............This can be due to
Starter armature burned ......Replace armature (para
out. .................................. 31).
seized. ............................. idle or storage periods,
14. Starter Pinion Will Not Engage With Flywheel
or to improper prep-
aration of the engine
Probable cause
Probable remedy
for storage, in which
Grease and/or dirt in ...........Disassemble and clean the
case the parts may be
starter drive mechanism... drive assembly (para
rusted or corroded and
........................................ 31).
seized. Broken piston
Broken or excessively worn Replace broken or worn
also cause locking. The
engine should be disas-
15. Main Generator Fails to Build Up Rated Voltage
sembled to determine
or Generator Output Voltage Too Low
the cause, and the
Probable cause
Probable remedy
necessary parts
rated frequency. ............... frequency gain adjust.
Hydro-static lock ................This can be due to rain
........................................ Adjust (R1) frequency
........................................water entering
........................................ adjust. Refer to TM 5-
........................................ 6115-400-12.
........................................ exhaust pipe, leaking
Brush holders improperly ....Adjust brush holders
........................................ cylinder head gasket,
........................................ cranked block or cylinder