TM 5-6115-593-34NAVFAC P-8-631-34TO-35C2-3-463-2terminals of a 3 phase generator setis correct, serious damage or injurycould be done to connectedequipment and to personnel as aresult of reversed motor rotation orexcessive current surges.b.Apparatus.A phase sequence (rotation)indicator as described and illustrated in MIL-HDBK-705, Method 116.1 or a 3 phase motorwhose direction of operation in relation to phasesequence is known shall be required.c.Procedure.(1)Connect the generator set load terminalsto the applicable test apparatus for one ofthe set 3 phase voltage connection.Recheck the connections to ensure thatL1, L2, and L3 of the generator set ageconnected to L2, and L3 of the testapparatus respectively.(2)Start and operate the generator set atrated voltage and frequency. The setindicating instruments shall be sufficientindication of output voltage andfrequency.(3)Close the circuit interrupter and determinethe direction of phase sequence (rotation)by observing the indicator, or by noting hedirection of rotation if a 3 phase motor isused. Record results.(4)Repeat steps (a) through (d) above for allother 3 phase voltage output connectionsof the generator set.(5)Phase sequence can also be checked byplacing PHASE SEQUENCE-BUSS-OFF-GEN switch, located on the generatorpanel, to the GEN position and the 1-3-2lamp should illuminate.(6)Place the AC PWR CKT BKR, located onthe generator panel, to the close positionand the PHASE SEQUENCE-BUSS-OFF-GEN switch to the BUSS position. The 1-3-2 lamp should illuminate.d.Results.The phase sequence (rotation) asindicated by the test shall be checked againstthe requirements of table 16-1.16-24. MAXIMUM POWER TEST.a.General.The maximum power of a generatorset is a function of the ambient conditions(temperature and altitude) and the mechanicalcondition of the engine at any particular time.See table 16-1 for test parameters for variousaltitudes.b.Apparatus.Instrumentation for measuring loadconditions, field voltage and current, pressuresand temperatures shall be as described andillustrated in MIL-HDBK-705.c.Procedure.CAUTIONThis procedure subjects thegenerator set to a severe overloadwhich may be damaging ifmaintained for too long a periodof time.(1)Preparation for test.(a)Connect the load andinstrumentation in accordance withthe applicable figure of MIL-HDBK-705, Method 205.1, paragraph205.1.10 for one voltage andfrequency.(b)Install appropriate thermocouples tomeasure the followingtemperatures:1. Engine coolant (engine outletand inlet).2. Exhaustgas(es)(the exhaustmanifold(s) shall be drilled16-20
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