NAVFAC P-8-622-12T M 5 - 6 1 1 5 - 5 8 4 - 1 2T O - 3 5 C 2 - 3 - 4 5 6 - 1TM-05682C-121. Blower housing2. Shutter assembly3. Oil cooler4. Oil filter5. Injection pump6. Starter7. Muffler8. Governor9. Air cleaner10. Oil filter tube anddipstick11. Shroud and panel12. Engine lifting eye13. Screw (2)14. Lock tab (2)15. Casket16. Intake manifold17. Lead18. Heater (2)19. Lead20. Screw (2)21. Washer (2)22. Washer (4)23. Spacer (2)24. Adapter25. GasketFigure 4-36. Engines Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2)NOTEUpper and lower nut must be tightened evenlyin small increments so that muffler will layflat against adapters.Bend lock tabs (2) up to secure nuts (1).4-41. AIRCLEANERASSEMBLY.a. Inspect (see figure 4-37). On ASK equipped generators, openair intake door and air cleaner door.(1) Air Cleaner Assembly. Check air cleaner assembly forcorrosion, broken or dented components or split hoses.b. Remove.(1) Air Cleaner Assembly. Loosen hose clamps(9 and 11) attaching two air intake hoses (10 and 12)to housing and detach hoses. Remove screws (13),lockwashers (14) and remove air cleaner and bracketand spacers (15). Remove air flow indicator (16) byturning Counterclockwise.(2) Remove nut (17), lockwashers (18), screw(19) and separate air cleaner (20) and bracket (21).c. Repair.(1) Air Cleaner Assembly. Weld and straightenair cleaner housing as necessary.(2) Mounting Bracket (see figure 4-37). If bracket(21) is split or bent, weld and straighten bracket asnecessary. After completing repairs, check thatbracket securely attaches air cleaner to set.d. Install.(1) Air Cleaner Assembly (see figure 4-37).Install air cleaner (20) on bracket (21) and securewith screws (19), lockwashers (18) and nuts (17).Install airflow indicator (16) on air cleaner.(2) Install air cleaner, bracket and spacers (15)on generator housing and secure with lockwashers (14)and screws (13). Install hoses (10 and 12) and securewith clamps (9) and (11).4-42. ENGINEASSEMBLY.a. Inspect (see figure 1-1). Inspect engine for looseconnections, leaks in oil and fuel systems, and free action of allmoving parts. Check that engine is securely mounted to skid-base. On ASK equipped generators, inspections of the engineassembly are limited to components accessible through theaccess doors.b. Test. Operate engine with no load on GeneratorSet, until it warms up to normal operating tem-perature indicated by shutters being in an inter-mediate position between open and closed. Check oilpressure. Oil pressure should be 20-45 psi. Checkfrequency on frequency meter. Frequency should beapproximately 60 Hz indicating that engine speed isabout 1800 RPM. Apply full rated load to engine.Check that governor adjusts engine quickly, smoothly,and without excessive hunting. Check that exhaust isnormal under load. Check that engine runs withoutexcessive fuel or oil consumption. Check that nounusual noise is heard. Inability of engine to meetthese tests may indicate engine malfunctioning. SeeTroubleshooting, Section VI.c. Service. Service engine according to the schedulegiven in table 4-1, Preventive Maintenance Checksand Services.d. Adjust. The only engine adjustments applicableto this level of maintenance are to the valve rockerarms, stop solenoid, and starter lockout switch.NOTEEngine lifting attachment is for lifting enginealone. Do not use this attachment for liftingengine if generator is still attached. Use theset lifting eye for this purpose (see figure 1-1).Change 7 4-47
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