T O 35C2-3-442-2
TM-07464A-35 TM 5-6115-457-34
g. Torque bolt (4) from 210 to 250 foot
timing gear cover group in the reverse
pounds, tap bolt head with a hammer, and
order of index numbers assigned. Pay
retighten to specified torque.
particular attention to the following:
a. Apply a thin coat of approved sealant
a. Installation of the crankshaft pulley,
to timing gear cover studs (26) before
damper and timing gear cover group is
installing cover (52).
accomplished during reassembly (para
b. When installing new gasket (53),
trim gasket flush with bottom face of
b. Install oil pan to timing gear cover
cylinder block and top front flange of oil
and secure with five bolts, washers and
lock washers.
c. Refer to Operator and Organiza-
c. Torque all timing gear cover bolts
tional Maintenance Manual and install
from 27 to 37 foot pounds.
d. L u b r i c a t e seal (51) lightly with
engine oil. Put MIL-S-22473 sealant on
the outer metal shell of the seal. In-
stall seal into cover with flexible lip
e. Install hydraulic pump drive group
toward the engine.
e. Fill slot in trunnion (9) with an ap-
f. Install hydraulic pump (precise sets
proved grease. Install trunnion (9) and
trunnion support (21) using shims (10 and
g. Install hydraulic tank (precise sets
11) previously removed.
f. Place a feeler gauge between trun-
h. Install fan mounting group (para
nion (9) and bearing collar (19), add enough
shims to one side to maintain a clearance
of 0.002 inch to 0.003 inch tight.
governor at the desired running speed. Low
speed and high speed stop screws are pro-
The ulility governor group is made
vided to limit the speed range of the gover-
up of two major assemblies mounted on the
nor. The utility governor is mechanical-
hydraulic type which senses engine speed
right side of the engine, the hydraulic
by means of flyweights balancing against a
governor assembly and the governor drive
speeder spring. This governor is designed
a s s e m b l y . The governor consists of a
governor drive shaft, speed adjusting shaft,
to correct the fuel rate as a result of an
low speed and high speed stop screws, r e -
off-speed condition only. On units equipped
with the precise governor, the utility
The speed adjusting shaft is used to set the
governor is adjusted to maintain an engine
Change 9