P-9-TM-457-35 T.O. 35C2-3-442-2
TM 5-6115-457-34
14. Remove pump gears (58 and 59)
and gasket (61).
If the valve (33) and sleeve assem-
bly (34) cannot be removed easily
15. If the valve (33) and sleeve as-
with a small pair of long-nosed
sembly (34) could not be removed in step 9,
pliers (or tweezers) and a hook
insert a 3/16 inch diameter rod in the tapped
hole opposite the relief valve opening and
scriber, leave them in the case (69)
push the valve (33) out. Then insert a
until step 14,
suitable extracting tool in the relief valve
opening to pull out the sleeve assembly (34).
9. Remove the valve (33), and
sleeve assembly (34).
16. Clamp stud (66) in a vise.
Take the governor out of the
Twist and pull case (69) to remove stud.
vise and invert it, catching pin (39), piston
(40), and rollpin (22) (driven out of the
speed adjusting lever earlier),
Be careful not to score the ground
bottom surface of case (69).
Use snap ring pliers to take out
the snap ring (53) under the ballarms. Lift
out the ballhead assembly (57),
17. If necessary, drive out bushings
(67 and 68) using a 3/8 diameter rod and a
1 2 . Remove snap ring (43) around
suitable piloted driving block. In each in-
the bushing assembly (54) drive shaft spline,
stance drive the bushing (67 and 68) out of
and drive out bushing assembly (54) from
the case (69) (rather than in towards the
base (62).
Remove screws (42) from the
18. Clamp the fork (45) in a vise
base (62) and remove the base (62). If the
with a pin hole up; use a thin screwdriver
base (62) does not easily detach from the
or a small punch to drive the spring (46)
case (69), clamp base (62) (governor name-
Off of the fork (45).
plate side of the case up) lightly in a vise;
using a plastic or soft hammer, tap the
19. Twist the spring (46) to detach
underside of case (69) to loosen it from
it from the spring seat.
base (62).
drive housing in the order of index numbers
assigned. Pay particular attention to the
Hold a hand under the base (62) and
case (69) joint to catch the pump
gears (58 and 59) which may drop
1. If maximum fuel stop assembly
out as the base (62) and case (69)
(1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) is not to be repaired it
are separated.
should not be disassembled,