ARMY TM 9-6115-464-12AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-1NAVY NAVFAC P-8-624-12Section XX. PARALLELING CABLE4-92GENERAL. The paralleling cable is a 25 foot, four conductor, flexible, heat and oil resistant cable. It is usedto interconnect governor and voltage paralleling circuits of generator sets operating in parallel (precise sets only).4-93 MAINTENANCEOFPARALLELINGCABLE.a.Cleaning and Inspection.(1) Clean paralleling cable (Figure 4-54) with filtered compressed air and an electrician’s brush or wipewith a clean, lint-free cloth lightly moistened with an approved solvent.(2) Visually inspect paralleling cable for chafing, deterioration, and other damage.(3) Check electrical connectors for bent or broken pins, stripped or damaged threads, cracks, corrosionand other damage.b. Testing.(1) Test individual wires for continuity with an ohmmeter or continuity light.(2) Check between pins of each terminal for short circuits.Do not use acid core solder on electrical wiring. Equipment damage couldresult if caution is not observed.c.Repair. Replace damaged wires or connectors as follows:(1) Loosen saddle clamp screws (Figure 4-54).(2) Tag wires and unsolder connections.(3) Install replacement parts and solder connections.(4) Lighten saddle clamp screws.Figure 4-54. Repair of Paralleling Cable4-123/(4-124 blank)
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