ARMY TM 9-6115-464-12AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-1NAVY NAVFAC P-8-624-124-68 GOVERNORCONTROLUNIT(PreciseSetsOnly). Inspect governor control unit for cracks, dents, inse-cure connectors, insecure mounting, and evidence of shorting or other damage.4-69 INTERCONNECTIN GWIRINGHARNSSES.a.Removal. Remove wiring harness terminals, wires, and connectors as required for access to other componentsand to replace damaged parts.b. Cleaning and Inspection.(1) Clean wiring harness with filtered compressed air and an electrician’s brush or wipe with a clean,lint-free cloth lightly moistened with an approved solvent.(2) Visually inspect connector for corrosion, cracks, and bent or broken pins.(3) Check electrical leads for burned, bent, corroded, or missing terminals.(4) Check insulation for burns, chafing, and deterioration.c.Testing. Test continuity of individual wires with a multimeter using figures FO-1 and FO-2.Do not use acid core solder on electrical wiring. Equipment damage couldresult if caution is not observed.d. Repair. Replace wires, terminals, and connectors by unsoldering connections, installing replacementparts and soldering connections.NOTEIf more than 30 percent of the wires are damaged, replace the wiring harness andforward it to higher level maintenance for rebuilding.e.Installation. Install connectors, wires, wiring harness terminals after damaged parts are replaced.Section XV. UNIT MAINTENANCE OF THE GENERATOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEM4-70 GENERAL.The generator set shall be shut down prior to performing maintenance on thegenerator electrical system. Serious injury or death by electrocution may resultfrom failure to observe this warning.a.One lead of each of the two coils of each generator phase (15 KW, 50/60 Hz Precise and Utility Sets) isconnected directly to the voltage reconnection board. The remaining two leads of each phase make twopasses through the windows of a three-window current transformer which serves as a current pickup forgenerator exciter voltage regulation. A second three-window current transformer serves as a sensor forcontrol cubicle instruments. The leads make four passes through the windows of this transformer. Twoleads of one of the phases makes two passes through a single-window crosscurrent transformer whichsenses current for reactive power measurement. Local voltage sensing and adjustment are accomplishedacross a single coil of the remaining phase. (See FO-1.)NOTEOn 15 KW, 400 Hz Precise Sets, two leads of one of the phases, instead of beingconnected directly to the voltage reconnection board, are routed to pass throughthe window of the cross-current transformer.b. The voltage reconnection board consists of a stationary terminal board and a movable Iink-type board. Thisarrangement provides a means of connecting the two coils of each phase in series or parallel to provide 120/208or 240/416 Vac generator output. Simultaneously, the voltage reconnection board provides reconnection of anyother circuits necessary to convert the generator set from 120/208 Vac to 240/416 Vac operation.4-107
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