NAVFAC P-8-631-34
(4) Open switch S1.
(5) Set frequency generator output to 60. 0
Hz and connect ohmmeter between
terminals 5 and 6; ohmmeter should
indicate continuity. Increase frequency
generator output to 61. 8 Hz; relay
should trip at 61. 8 Hz (61. 3 to 62. 3)
and ohmmeter indicate infinite ohms.
(6) Turn adjustment screw clockwise to raise
trip point.
b. Replacement. The overfrequency relay (9) is
removed and replaced as follows:
(1) Disconnect and tag wires connected to
the overfrequency terminal board.
(2) Remove four screws and washers.
Remove device from panel (7).
(3) Replace relay (9) by attaching to panel
(7) with four screws and washers.
Connect wires and remove tags.
15-19. TIME DELAY RELAY. The time delay relay (19,
figure 15-9) is a "delay on drop-out" type relay, set for 1.
5-15 seconds delay. The relay is adjustable within the
range specified in the tabulated data in Chapter 1 of the
Timing is adjusted with the calibrated dial on the relay.
Test and replace relay as follows:
a. Test.
(1) Connect the time delay relay as shown in
figure 15-12.
(2) Momentarily close switch S1. Lamp DS1
will light and remain lit for 1. 5-15
(3) Turn calibrated dial clockwise to increase
b. Replacement. Remove and replace time delay
relay (19) as follows:
(1) Disconnect and tag wires connected to
the time delay relay.
(2) Remove four screws and washers.
Remove relay from panel (7).
(3) Replace relay (19) by attaching to panel
(7) with four screws and washers.
Connect wires and remove tags.
15-20. RELAYS (BR1-BR4, MR1-MR4, RR). BR1-BR4,
MR1-MR4 (14, figure 15-9) and RR (20) relays are
mounted on panel (7).
a. Test.
(1) Connect a 120V AC power source to relay
coil as shown in figure 15-13.
(2) Check that normally open contacts close
and normally closed contacts open relay
coil is energized, by verifying ohmmeter
indication of 'zero' with contacts closed
and 'infinity' with contacts open.
b. Replacement. Relays (14 and 20, figure 15-9)
are removed and replaced as follows:
(1) Disconnect and tag wires connected to
(2) Remove two screws and two washers for
each relay, remove relay from panel (7).
(3) Replace relay (14 or 20) by attaching the
panel (7) with two screws and washers.
Connect wires and remove tags.
15-21. RELAYS (LR1-LR4, LRTD1-LRTD4). Relays LR1-
LR4 (15, figure 15-9) and LRTD1-LRTD4 (13) are
mounted on relay panel (7).
a. Test.
(1) Connect a 24V DC power supply across
coil of relay as shown in figure 15-14.
(2) Check that normally open contacts close
and normally closed contacts open