TM 5-6115-584-12
NAVFAC P-8-622-12
voltage, that is higher or lower than the Generator Set
b. Remove (see figure 4-45), Remove two screws (1),
point. This error signal is amplified and used to control
lockwashers (3), and nuts (2) holding screen-guard (4)
the direct current output of the voltage regulator which
in place and remove screen-guard.
is applied to the control windings of the current-voltage
c, Repair. Weld and straighten screen-guard as neces-
a. Inspect (see figure 1-1). On ASK equipped gener-
sary. After repairs are completed, check that screen-guard
atom, remove ASK cover assembly (para 5-3). Inspect the
attaches properly to generator and does not touch any
generator/excitor assembly for physical damage. Check that
moving part.
assembly is clean and free of dirt, or oil. Check that
electrical Ieads from generator/exciter are free of damage.
Check that assembly is securely mounted to engine and to
the skid-base.
d. Install. Place serviceable screen-guard in position over
openings in generator stator-housing assembly (5). Tighten
a. Inspect. Inspect screen-guard for cleanliness and
screen-guard (4) in position with two screws (1), lock-
physical damage.
washers (3) and nuts (2). On ASK equipped generators,
install ASK cover assembly (para 5-3).
(See figure l-l.) The skid-base serve. os a base for mount-
ing all major components of the Generator Set. Revisions
for towing or lifting with a forklift are built into the skid-
base. Tie down rings are also provided.
4-57. SKID-BASE.
a. Inspect (see figure 4-46). On ASK equipped generators,
refer to Chapter 5 for removal procedures for the entire ASK.
(b) Remove four screws (1, figure 4-46) and nuts
(2) attaching each mount in place and remove mounts (3).
(2) Battery Frame and Tray Removal.
(a) See paragraph 4-25 and remove battery hold-
downs and batteries,
(b) Remove screws (4 and 8, figure 4-46), bevel
washers (7), lockwashers (6 and 10), and nuts (5 and 9).
Remove frame (11) and tray (12).
(1) Vibration Mounts, Inspect vibration mounts (3)
for cracked rubber and loose or missing hardware.
(2) Battery Frame Bottom. Inspect battery frame
(11) for corrosion, bends, dents or broken welds.
(3) Battery Tray, Inspect battery tray (12) for
corrosion, or physical damage.
(4) Ground Stud. Inspect ground stud (16) for
physical damage to threads, nuts and washers.
(6) Tie Down Ring. Inspect tie down rings (25)
for physical damage. Check that they are securely mounted
to skid-base.
(6) Skid-Base. Inspect skid-base (24) for physical
damage. Check that skid-base is not bent or bowed,
b. Remove (see figure 4-46).
(1) Vibration Mounts.
(a) Refer to paragraph 4-38 and remove control
(3) Ground Stud. Remove nut (13) and lockwasher
(14) attaching wound leads (15) from starter to ground
stud (16). Remove nut (13) and lockwasher (14) attaching
ground stud to skid-base (24). Remove stud.
(4) Slave Receptacle. Tag and remove leads (17)
from slave receptacle (21 ). Remove receptacle (21) by
removing screws (18), nuts (19) and lockwashers (20).
Remove mounting bracket (23) by removing screws (22).
c. Repair.
(1) Battery Frame Bottom. Clean, weld and
straighten battery frame as required.
(2) Battery Tray, Clean and straighten battery tray
as necessary.
(3) Broken or Loot Terminal Clip (Retainer, Safety
Clip). For fabrication procedure, see Chapter 4, Section XII
Maintenance of Control System, paragraph 4-37.
d. Install (see figure 4-46).
(1) Vibration Mounts.
(a) Position mounts (3) and install screws (1)
and nuts (2).
Change 7