The output voltage may exceed the
rating of connected equipment.
(k) Record all instrument readings (after
ransients have subsided).
(l) Apply rated load.
(m) Record all instrument readings (after
ransients have subsided).
(n) Adjust voltage to the minimum specified
value at rated load.
(o) Record all instrument readings (after
transients have subsided).
(p) Remove load.
(q) Record all instrument readings (after
transients have subsided).
(r) Adjust voltage to the minimum attainable
value or a value just prior to activation of the under-
voltage protection device.
(s) Record all instrument readings (after
transients have subsided).
(t) Repeat steps (a) through (s) above for
all other voltage connections).
d. Sample Calculations.
Regulation (droop) is
defined for the purposes of this method as the no-
load value minus the rated load value divided by the
rated load value the quantity expressed in percent.
% Regulation =
(No-Load Voltage) - (Rated-Load Voltage) x 100
(Rated -Load Voltage)
e. Results. The data sheets shall indicate the
voltage regulation as a percent of rated voltage with-
in the specified limits at the minimum and maximum
specified voltages and the regulation as a percent of
rated voltage at the extremes, the maximum and
minimum voltages attainable and the actuation of the
protection devices (if applicable). Compare these
results with the requirements of Table 16-1.
Frequency and Voltage Regulation, Stability
and Transient Response Test (Short-Term).
a. General.
The frequency regulation (sometimes
referred to as droop) of a generator set is the maxi-
mum difference between the no load value of frequency
and the value at any load up to and including rated load.
This difference is expressed as a percentage of the
rated frequency of the generator set. The voltage
regulation is expressed similarly except that the rms
value of voltage is used.
Frequency stability describes the tendency of the
frequency to remain at a constant value. Generally,
the instantaneous value of frequency is not constant
but varies randomly above and below a mean value.
Stability may be described as either short-term or
long-term depending upon the length of time that the
frequency is observed.
Another term, bandwidth,
describes the limits of these variations. Bandwidth
is expressed as a percentage of the rated frequency
of the generator set.
Voltage stability is described
Frequency transient response describes the reaction
of the frequency to a sudden change in some condition;
such as, a load change on a generator set. This re-
sponse consists of the amount of excursion beyond the
mean of the new operating band, and the recovery
time. The recovery time is the interval beginning at
the point where the frequency leaves the original
prescribed operating band and ending at the point
where it enters and remains within the new prescribed
operating band.
The amount of surge is expressed
as a percentage of the rated frequency of the genera-
tor set.
The recovery time is expressed in seconds.
The voltage transient response is described similarly.
b. Apparatus.
Instrumentation for measuring
load conditions, field voltage and current, and ambient
temperature shall be as described and illustrated in
MIL-HDBK-705. In addition, recording meter(s) for
recording voltage and frequency shall be required.
The recording meters shall be as described in
Table 2-1.
(1) Preparation for test.
(a) Connect the load and field instrumenta-
tion in accordance with the applicable figure of
MIL-HDBK-705, Method 205.1, paragraphs 205.1.10,
for one voltage and frequency. Connect the signal
input of the recording meter(s) to the convenience
receptacle of the set or to the generator coil which is
used as the voltage sensing input to the voltage regu-
(Power the recording meter(s) from the
commercial utility.)
(b) Set the recording meter chart speed(s)
to a minimum of 6 inches per hour. The following
items shall be recorded on both the data sheets and
recording chart(s):
1. The date
2. The serial number(s) of the recording
3. Generator set identification
4. The recording chart speed(s)
5. The data reading number
(c) Place all instrumentation referred to in
paragraph 16-15b. in operation.