Tighten both the capscrews to approximately 1/2
torque and then to full torque.
u. Check connecting rod side clearance. Correct
clearance is 0.005 to 0.010 inch.
v. Install oil pump and oil pan. (para 14-67.)
w. Install cylinder head. (para 14-79.)
X. Install engine assembly. (para 2-14.)
a. The cylinder block is the main structural part of
the engine. It is cored to receive removable wet-type
cylinder sleeves. The cylinder sleeves are completely
surrounded by water jackets which extend the full length
of the cylinder walls for maximum cooling.
b. The seven-bearing, counterbalanced crankshaft
converts the vertical power strokes of the pistons to a rota-
tional torque that can be applied to the generator through
the flywheel.
c. The six camshaft bearings which support the
camshsaft are mounted in the cylinder block. These bear-
ings are easily accessible when the piston assemblies, con-
necting rods, cylinder sleeves and crankshaft are removed.
Crankshaft. Cylind er Sleeves and Camshaft
Bearings Removal.
a. CrankshftRemoval.
(1) Refer to Operator and Organizational Main-
tenance Manual for removal of the housing, radiator, elec-
tric starter, winterization kits (if installed), turbocharger,
and manifolds.
(2) Remove oil pan and oil pump. (para
(3) Remove flywheel housing and fly-
wheel. (para 14-69.)
(4) Remove crankshaft pulley and vibration
dampener. (para 14-61.)
(5) Remove timing gear housing, crankshaft
gear and engine front plate. (para 14-72.)
(6) Remove connecting rod bearing
caps. (para 14-81.)
Identify connecting rod caps as to their original
location on the connecting rods, and in the cylin-
der block in the event inspection proves they can
be reused. Cylinder numbers is marked on the
camshaft side of each rod and rod cap.
(7) Remove two capscrews on each main bear-
ing cap and remove main bearing caps and lower main
bearing shells. (fig. 14-41.)
(8) Remove crankshaft.
(9) Remove upper main bearing shells from
cylinder block.
Cylinder Sleeves Removal,
(1) If the sleeves are to be reused, insure that
the ridge above the ring travel is removed with a hone or a
ridge removing tool. Insure that the glaze in ring travel
area is removed with a cylinder hone or a glaze breaker
tool. Hone the sleeve to a cross hatch pattern at angles of
22 to 32° to a place perpendicular to the bore axis. The
cross hatch should be nearly uniform in both diretions.
Do not over- hone; stop when glazed area is removed.
Thoroughly clean the sleeve with warm water and com-
mon laundry detergent and scrub the bore with a stiff
bristle brush. Dry the sleeve with compressed air and
inspect the bore to see that it is not oversize. After clean-
ing protect the bore of the sleeve with a thin coating of
engine lubricating oil.
If the cylinder sleeve was honed while installed
in the cylinder block, clean the block thor-
oughly to make certain that all abrasive mate-
rial is removed.
(2) Refer to Operator and Organizational Main-
tenance Manual and remove housing, radiator, electric
starter winterization kits, (if installed), turbocharger, man-
ifolds, and valve cover.
(3) Remove cylinder head and valve operating
(para 14-77.)
(4) Remove piston and connecting rod assem-
blies. (para 14-81.)
(5) Remove cylinder sleeves. (fig. 14-41.)
(6) Remove all dirt, carbon. and oil from cylin-
der sleeves and from the machined recess and bore in cyl-
inder block.
c. Camshaft Bearings Removal
(1) Refer to Operator and organizational Main-
tenance Manual and remove housing, radiator, electric
starter, winterization kits, (if installed). turbocharger, man-
ifolds, and valve cover.
(2) Remove cylinder head and valve operating
mechanism. (para 14-77.)
14-92 Change 12
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