Install three guide pins on flywheel housing
to aid in the mstallation of the flywheel. Lubricate
the lip of the oil seal and the wear sleeve with
engine oil.
Install the flywheel over the temporary
guide pins as straight as possib]e. Do not cut,
crimp, or double back the seal lip.
m. Remove the guide pins.
After flywheel is assembled to the crank-
shaft tighten the flywheel lock bolts to a torque of
95 to 105 foot-pounds.
Attach a dial indicator to the flywheel hous-
ing and check flywheel face for run-out. Pry fly-
wheel to the rear, to eliminate crankshaft end ply,
otherwise dial indicator reading will not be
Flywheel face run-out must not exceed
0.0005 inch maximum total indicator reading per
inch of flywheel diameter.
Readjust dial indicator so that the stem
will ride on flywheel driving ring bore. The eccen-
tricity of the driving ring bore must not exceed
0.0005 inch maximum total indicator reading.
Eccentricity between driving ring
bore and pilot bearing bore must
not exceed 0.008 inch total indicator
Attach dial indicator to the flywheel housing
and check pilot bearing bore for run-out. Eccen-
tricity y of pilot bearing bore must not exceed 0.005
inch maximum total indicator reading.
Attach dial indicator to flywheel and check
flywheel housing bore for run-out.
The bore run-
out must not exceed 0.008 inch total indicator read-
s. Readjust dial indicator to check flywheel
housing face for run-out. The face run-out must
not exceed 0.008 inch total indicator reading.
t .
Install electric starter.
Refer to Operator
and organizational Maintenance Manual.
Install engine in unit. Refer to paragraph
2 - 1 4 .
14-71. Description.
Timing Gear Cover Removal. See figure
14-34 and proceed as follows
Timing is preformed by a train of mechan-
ically synchronized timing gears located at the
(1) Remove engine support (para 2-13).
front of the engine.
This train consists specifically
of four gears: fuel pump drive gear, idler gear,
(2) Remove crankshaft pulley and vibra-
camshaft gear and crankshaft gear. (Class 1 sets
tion dampener assembly (para 14-61).
contain an additional gear to drive the hydraulic
(3) Remove oil pan (para 14-65).
The crankshaft drive gear is the central
element of this gear train, driving the other gears
either directly or indirectly. The fuel pump drive
gear and camshaft gears are timed to the crankshaft
gear to provide timed synchronization of fuel injec-
tion and valve positions.
The idler gear transfers
drive power from the crankshaft gear to the fuel
pump drive gear.
c. The timing gear cover encloses the gear
train-and the front end of the engine. The gears are
lubricated by the oil splash method.
A malfunction in the timing system is usu-
ally indicated by an extremely loud knocking sound
from the engine or abnormally quiet but sluggish
operation of the engine.
These symptoms are an in-
dication that the engine is not properly timed. If the
engine was operating normally prior to the occur-
rence of these symptoms, it is an indication that the
gear is badly worn or has lost a gear tooth.
14-72. Gears and Cover Removal.
(4) Remove inspection plate, capscrews,
lockwashers and fuel pump drive gear inspection
plate. Remove thrust button with spring from fuel
pump drive shaft.
If only the fuel pump drive gear has
to be removed and/or replaced, the
gear can be removed through the
opening in the timing gear cover.
(5) Remove capscrews on front and back
side, which secure timing gear cover to cylinder
block and engine front plate. Jar cover loose with
a soft-headed hammer. Pry cover from locating
dowels, and remove it from fencing.
Fuel Pump Drive Gear Removal. Refer to
note above 14-25 and proceed as follows:
(1) Rotate engine until No. 1 piston is at
top dead center on its compression stroke.
Change 6