shaft assembly from the pump body.(1) Remove the pump driven gear andshaft assembly from the pump body.(m) To prevent damage to the drive gearteeth and driven gear teeth do not remove the gearsfrom the shaft with a gear puller. Press the gearsfrom the shafts.14-66. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.a.Wash all pump parts in cleaning solvent,Federal Specification P-D-680.b. Inspect the oil pump drive gear, the driver gearand shaft assembly and the driven gear and shaftassembly for wear and chipped teeth. Replace worn anddamaged parts.c.Inspect the inside of the pump body and theinner face of the cover for wear or scoring. Replacedamaged part.d.Inspect the relief valve piston. It mustslide–smoothly in the bore of the relief valve body.Replace a damaged relief valve or body.e.Inspect the heater element for cracks, and1oose or bent fins. Replace element, if it is severelydamaged.f.Inspect oil pan for dents or cracks. Dentsmust be smoothed out. Replace oil pan if badly dam-aged.g. Inspect suction tube assembly for holes anddeformity.14-67. Reassembly and Installation.a. Heat the driven oil gear in oil to 350° + 25°and press onto the shaft 0.848 inch from end.b. Repeat step a. for the driver oil gear, ex-cept that the gear is pressed onto the shaft 1.812inches from the end.c. Lubricate gear and shaft. Install the longend of the driven gear and shaft assembly into thelower chamber of the oil pump body.d.Lubricate gear and shaft. Install the shortend of the driver oil gear and shaft assembly into theupper chamber of the oil pump body.e. Assemble the pump cover onto the pumpbody. Use the two 5/8-inch long, grade 5, lock boltsin the top holes.The six other holes use 1-inchbolts with a lockwasher. Tighten the bolts to a torqueof 18 to 20 foot-pounds.f .Before proceeding make certain that theassembled pump will turn freely without binding.h. Install the piston, spring, and spring re-tainer in the relief valve body. Depress relief valvespring and retainer with two screwdrivers or an im-provised two-prong tool. Insert a 3/16-inch, orless, drift pin into the roll pin hole. Hold the re-tainer with the drift pin until the roll pin is installed.i .Install the relief valve assembly into thepump body and tighten securely.j .Install the suction screen assembly onto thepump body.k. Install heater element in the oil pan andsecure it with nuts, lockwashers and capscrews.1.Install the brass fittings on the inside andoutside of the oil pan.m.Lubricate oil pump drive gear and installoil pump assembly onto the cylinder block with thedrive gear in mesh with the crankshaft gear. In-stall bolts and torque to 68 to 73 foot-pounds.n. Position brass fittings and O rings and in-stall oil discharge tube to cylinder block and oilpump assembly; tighten fitting securely.o. Install support bracket and clamp securing oilsuction line.p.Install a new gasket set to the rails of theoil pan.q.For ease of installing the oil pan, make uptwo guide studs and screw them into the diagonalcorners of the cylinder block.r .Position the oil pan with the front end up andmount the oil pan on the guide studs. Hold it inposition by inserting a capscrew and lockwasher ineach corner, but do not tighten them so that the oilpan can be shifted.s.Remove the guide studs. Install the 3/4-inch long capscrews and lockwashers which hold therear flange of the oil pan to the flywheel housing.Tighten the rear corner capscrews in the side railand the two upper capscrews in the flywheel housingalternately, until secure.t .Install the 1-inch long capscrews and lock-washers, securing the front rail of the oil pan to thetiming gear cover.Install the remaining capscrewsand lockwashers. Tighten all capscrews securely toa torque of 28 to 33 foot-pounds.u.Install drain valve into oil pan and tightensecurely.v. Install oillines to the heaterstalled.drain hose, and connect coolantelement if winterization kit is in-g. Heat the oil gear shaft and press the drive gearonto the shaft allowing 0.057 to 0.062 inch to protrude.Change 614-69
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