Table 9-4. Rotor Winding Data (400 Hz)
Turns per coil
No. of pole and coils
1.43 ohms at 25° C
1 ckt, series, see schematic diagram
4 of AWG #15 (0.0571)
(4) Rotor dip and bake.
(1) Replace or rebuild any defective parts.
(a) Preheat wound core for one hour in
(2) Apply varnish to any damaged areas of
forced convection oven to 170° C.
(b) Dip hot wound core in varnish, connec-
tion end up, for three minutes.
(c) Remove wound core from varnish and
drain, connection end up, for four minutes.
(d) Rotate wound core so connection end is
down and drain one minute.
(e) Bake wound core with slots in horizon-
tal position for two and one-half hours, at 170° C,
in forced convection oven.
(f) Repeat paragraphs (b) through (e) above
two more times so that a total of 3 dips and bakes is
(g) The varnished wound rotor should be
examined for complete coverage, uniform coverage
with no strings or bends and with openings between
extended position of slot tubes free of varnish, blis-
tering or peeling, and complete cure, with tack-free
surface and good bonding strength.
b. Rebuild.
(1) Exciter stator. See figure 9-7 and table
9-5, and perform the procedures provided in para-
graph 9-4 (1) and (2).
(2) Exciter rotor.
Proceed as follows
(a) All wound cores will have leads con-
nected and tied on the inside diameter of end turns.
(b) All connections will be brazed using
brazing alloy per MIL-S-15395 as a filler material.
End connections forming pigtails will be fusion
welded as much as possible with addition of brazing
alloy per above.
Table 9-5. Exciter Stator Winding Data (50/60 and 400 Hz)
Type of winding
No. of slots and coils
No. of coils per group
Turns per coil
Change 4
(c) All connections in the rotor winding
will be covered with sleeving MIL-I-3190/3. Tape
should be 1/2-inch lapped over connections and ex-
tended 3/8- inch beyond connection.
(d) For binding end turns use glass roving.
Exciter Repair and Rebuild.
(e) The rotor end turns and connections
are bound and laced in two stages.
Salient pole, dc
10 slots 10 coils
1 - 2
1 of AWG #21 (0. 0285) 1 of AWG #22 (0. 0253)
3.2 ohms at 25° C
2 circuit (see fig. 9-7)