(f) Using a zig-zag motion, place a band
of one continuous piece over and near the end of the
end turns.
Using enough spread to keep the band
below the line of the rotor outer diameter, secure
the end by lapping over the end. Binding must not be
(g) After all coils are inserted and bound
as in (a) above, lace continuously using at least two
turns at each location with a slip tie on the second
turn. Lace at each tooth, separating the top coils
and the bottom coils.
(h) Place the connection bundle beneath the
end turns and lace as in (g), being sure to lace in
the connection bundle.
(i) Refer to table 9-6 and figure 9-8 for
exciter rotor winding data.
9-6. Generator Reassembly and Installation.
a. Reassembly.
See figure 9-1 to reassemble
the ac generator.
(1) Balance plates should be shrunk on the
shaft. Heat balance plates in an oven to approxi-
mately 200° C.
Place heated balance plate on shaft
and with a pipe or sleeve with a bore slightly larger
than the balance plate bore, tap the balance plate
onto the shaft until it registers against the shaft
(2) The coupling hub is reassembled to the
rotor assembly by placing the hub in an oven and
heating to 200° C.
The hot coupling hub then slides
on the shaft and key.
(3) The diodes should be placed on the rotat-
ing diode assembly, using a thermal conduction
lubricant such as Burndy Penetrox A or equiva-
lent. Do not allow the lubricant on the threads of
the diode or the torque measurements will be in-
There are three forward polarity diodes
(arrow towards threaded stud) and three
reverse polarity diodes (arrow away from
threaded stud). The diodes must be as-
sembled with the three forward polarity
diodes on one heat sink and the three re-
verse polarity diodes on the other heat
sink. Assemble the diodes with nuts and
lockwashers, using a torque wrench.
Assemble with 30 inch pounds of torque.
(4) Use balance weights assembled in holes of
balance plate to dynamically balance complete rotor
assembly within 2 inch-ounces.
(5) Tighten screw (41) to 950-1100 inch-
pounds and bend up corners of strips (42) against a
flat side of screw (41).
(6) At assembly apply light coating of grease
(MIL-G23827) to the bearing bore of the end
shield. Also add 0.9 to 1/4 cu. in. (1.0-1.5
tablespoons) of grease to the bearing cavity on the
outboard side of the bearing and 0.45 to 0.7 cu. in.
(0.5 to 0.75 tablespoons) of grease to the bearing
cavity on the inboard side of the bearing.
b. Installation Refer to paragraph 2-12.
9-7. Generator Tests after Reassembly.
Perform tests 1, 2 and 3 of operating tests (refer to
table 16-1).
Table 9-6. Exciter Rotor Winding Data (50/60 and 400 Hz)
Type of winding
3 phase
No. of slots and coils
36 slots 36 coils
No. of coils per group
6 groups of 2 24 groups of 1
Turns per coil
3 for 50/60 Hz -5 for 400 Hz
5 of AWG #16 (0.0508) - 50/60 HZ
3 of AWG #16 (0.0508) -400 Hz
Parallel 2 circuit WYE, (see fig. 9-8)
0.023 ohm at 25° C - 50/60 Hz
0.050 ohm at 25° C -400 Hz
Insertion sequence
211/112/111/121/111 and repeat
Change 4
9-25/(9-26 blank)