TM S-6115465-34
TO 35C2-3-446-2
NAVFAC P-8-625-34
TM 06858B/06859D-34
Figure 3-31.
(2) Insert shaft into pump body (22) and press
(8) Install pickup screen (3) and tighten.
gear (12) onto shaft until a dimension of 4.84375
0.010 inches is obtained between the mounting flange
Pickup screen must be in the horizontal
position when the pump is installed in the
body and install driven gear (18).
(4) Install cover plate (17) and secure with
(1) Install oil pump, making sure that drive
(5) Insert plunger(10) into valve body (11).
gear mates correctly with speed switch drive
Install spring (9) and retainer (8) and secure with
roll pin (7).
(6) Install new seal (6), lockwasher (5) and
pressure relief valve (4).
(7) Check that drive shaft rotates freely. If
shaft binds, disassemble pump and ascertain cause
before installing.