TM 5-6115-465-34
TO 35C2-3-446-2
NAVFAC P-8-625-34
(3) While holding the rotor under fuel, insert
the plungers into their bore. With thumb and fore-
Since only the working portions of the cam
finger over the guide slots, tilt the rotor from side
lobes on the bore are ground, the tool
to side several times to insure complete freedom of
marks between lobes should not be consid-
movement of the plungers. Interchanging or revers-
ered as damage. The cam finish is mottled
ing their individual positions may be necessary, as
from heat treatment rather than operation.
these are mated parts. Replace defective parts. If
plungers are not visibly damaged, clean them with a
soft brush and a lacquer removing solvent such as
(13) Visually inspect the drive shaft for undue
lacquer thinner or acetone.
wear or cracking. Check the diameter where the
thrust sleeve slides for scores. Check for smooth-
(4) Examine the radii of the rotor which is
ness of seal grooves. They must be absolutely
contacted by the leaf springs, and the weight retainer
for wear. Check all slots, charging and discharge
parts of the hydraulic head for chipping or erosion of
(14) Check the regulating piston for freedom
edges. Check the rotor shank for scratches.
of movement in the end plate sleeve. Check all
threads for damage. The filter element should bear
no evidence of damage. Clean all dirt or rust from
the element.
The rotor and hydraulic head are matched
parts and shall be replaced as a unit.
(5) Check the vent wire in the hydraulic head
Check for tightness of the orifice plate. Re -
place adjusting plug if plate is loose.
air bleed passage for freedom of movement. If the
wire is free, flush the head and blow out all passages
with clean, dry compressed air. If the wire is stuck,
replace it after thoroughly cleaning the passages.
(15) Check that the damper piston (87) moves
freely in the damper barrel (88). Inspect for chipp-
(6) Check each cam roller for freedom of ro-
ing of piston or scratches to the piston and damper
tation in its shoe. Check each shoe for chipping or
barrel bore. The bleed orifice should allow free
wear on the surface contacted by the leaf spring.
flow when the piston is inserted. Replace compon-
ents as necessary.
(7) Check the leaf springs for cracks, nicks,
chipping, or distortion. Check for damage and wear
along rote l radii contact points and steps which re-
tain roller shoes.
(8) Examine the retainer sockets of governor
All parts should be flushed in clean oil as
weight retainer and the pivot point of each governor
they are assembled. Replace all seals and
weight for evidence of wear or damage. Replace the
flexible snap ring (120) of the weight retainer.
(9) Inspect the pivot points of the governor
arm (86) pivot shaft for wear. Check the governor
arm tabs at the point which contacts the thrust
Install piston seal dry. Do not use grease.
sleeve. If either tab is" worn flat, replace the gover-
nor arm.
(1) Insert regulating piston seal (62) into the
(10) Examine the junction points of the meter-
lower end of the regulating sleeve assembly (55) far
ing valve pin hole in the linkage hook, throttle lever,
enough to expose retaining ring groove. Install re-
shutoff cam, and shutoff lever for looseness and
taining ring (59).
(2) Install regulating piston (61) and spring (60)
(11) Check the metering valve body for wear.
into the sleeve making sure that the piston slides to
Ascertain that the metering valve arm is well seated
the bottom of the sleeve bore without binding.
and there is no radial movement of the arm on the
(3) Install end plate adjusting plug (54) into the
valve. Check the metering valve arm pin for wear or
sleeve until all threads are just below port "A".
(12) Carefully inspect the bore and edges of all
flat surfaces of the cam. If evidence of spalling or
Do not exceed this position as excessive trans-
flaking out exists, replace the cam.
fer pump pressure could occur.