TO 35C2-3-446-2
NAVFAC P-8-625-34
Figure 3-6.
Alternator Test Leads Installation
(c) Attach a 1/4 inch ring terminal to one
end of the 10 inch lead.
(Refer to the Operator and Organizational
Maintenance Manual for installation in-
(d) Attach a No. 10 ring terminal to one
end of each 5 inch lead.
(2) Install test leads as follows:
(b) With switch open, compare voltage read-
ings at V1 and V2. The readings should be identical
(a) Attach test leads as shown in figure
3-6. Pass the free end of each lead through the venti -
While checking voltage at V2, check to see
if the reading varies when the cable or the
(b) Install regulator and cover assembly
(2) and secure with screws (1).
connector plug on the alternator cover as-
sembly is disturbed. This could indicate in-
adequate test connections which must be
follows :
corrected before proceeding with the tests.
(c) If voltage at V2. is low or zero, the alter-
nator positive and negative output circuits must be
tested as indicated in steps (4) and (5) below.
The test circuit is identical to the alter-
nator installation circuit. If an operation-
(d) If voltage readings at V1 and V2 are
identical, proceed with alternator output and voltage
tor may be installed on it for testing.
protector test in step (10) below.