P-9-TM-457-35 T. O. 35C2-3-442-2
TM 5-6115-457-34
(4), and clip locks (3) on shaft (42)
and secure with screws (2), leaving two
This test is applicable to new or
screws (2) 180 degrees apart out. Tighten
rewound components only.
screws to 50 foot-pounds torque. Insert
two suitable lifting eyebolts into shaft hub.
a. Isolate the generator and exciter
t. Using a suitable lifting device and
armature and field windings from all
external circuits including rotating recti-
cable hook, position main stator and frame
f i e r s . Be sure generator frame and test
assembly (43) in a vertical position resting
apparatus are properly grounded to an
the end bell (67) on wooden blocks. Place
external ground (in addition to unit frame).
blocks under the generator mounting plates
Connect one end of each armature winding
(84) to prevent generator from tipping over.
together to form a single circuit for testing.
Exercise extreme care when instal-
ling main rotor and shaft assembly
Ground generator and exciter field
into main stator and frame assem-
windings securely when testing
bly to prevent damage to windings.
generator armature windings.
u. Connect suitable lifting device to
b. Connect the high voltage lead from
lifting eyebolts in main rotor and shaft
the test apparatus to the generator arma-
assembly (1) into main stator and frame
ture winding. Bring the voltage up to
assembly (43). Remove lifting device and
1480 volts in not less than 10 seconds nor
lifting eyebolts. Install two remaining
more than 30 seconds. Apply this voltage
screws (2) and tighten screws to 50 foot-
for one minute then gradually reduce to
pounds torque. Bend up all corners of clip
zero in not less than 5 seconds. Ground
locks (3) to prevent screws from turning.
high voltage lead before removing to dis-
charge winding.
v. Connect a suitable block across
engine mounting end of generator to hold
main rotor and shaft assembly in center
position and to prevent assembly from
Ground generator armature and
sliding out of frame when moving generator.
exciter windings securely when
testing generator field windings,
w. Lower generator to horizontal posi-
Ground generator field and gen-
erator armature windings securely
when testing exciter windings.
mounted to shaft coupling with shipping
screws and nuts only. Remove screws and
nuts prior to installation.
and exciter windings, except that the maxi-
mum voltage shall be between 1500 to
3500 volts.
d. Electrical windings shall be able to
Perform the high potential test as
withstand the following 60 hertz voltages