T O 35C2-3-442-2
TM 5-6115-457-34
1 2 . Wire marker
7. Slot cell insulation
Rotor core
1 3 . Wire marker
8 . Center spacer
Insulation (2)
14. Insulation sleeving
0.032 thick
Lead (3)
O. 106 ID
9. Wedge (36)
Terminal lug (3)
15. Phase insulation
10. Insulation sleeving
Magnet wire 0.040 DIA (#18)
16. Varnish
0.330 ID
Untreated glass tape
1 1 . Wire marker
0.010 x 0.75
k. Install key (34) and exciter
lead insulation back 0.375 inch and install
terminal lugs and connect leads R1, R2, and
rotor assembly (33) on shaft (42). Using
R3 to rectifier assembly (12).
a suitable press, press spacer (32) into
p. Using a suitable press, press bear-
ing (8) against shoulder on shaft (42). In-
1. Assemble rectifier assembly (12)
stall snap ring (7) on shaft (42).
and position on shaft (42). Align setscrew
(11) hole with hole in shaft (42).
q. Place assembled shaft in a suitable
dynamic balancing machine. Balance
m. Install setscrew (11 and 31) and
assembled shaft in two planes. Rotate
tighten to 20 foot-pounds torque.
shaft at 600 to 800 RPM and balance shaft
using blance weights (41). To install bal-
Varnish, Insulating, is flammable and
extremely toxic. Avoid eye and skin
ance weight, place weight in proper position
contact or breathing of vapors. Good
on rotor and transfer two drill 0.2570 inch
general ventilation is normally ade-
holes, one inch deep for each weight. Tap
hole for 5/16 - 18 UNC - 2B thread.
n. Apply insulation sleeving to main
Secure weights with screws (39) and lock
rotor subassembly (37) leads R4 and R5.
washer (40). Trim balance to 0.5 inch-
Position lead R5 at three o'clock and lead
ounce by removing metal from steel core of
R4 at nine o'clock on shaft (42) looking from
main rotor subassembly (37).
bearing end of shaft. Tape leads to shaft at
two evenly spaced positions between the
r . Place rotor and shaft assembly (1) on
main rotor subassembly (37) and exciter
a bench resting main rotor subassembly (37)
rotor assembly (33). Brush coat tape with
on a cushion material to prevent damage.
varnish. Position leads R4 and R5 through
Allow hub (35) to hang over side of bench.
two holes provided in exciter rotor assem-
bly (33) and insulator (30). Cut leads long
enough to connect a rectifier assembly (12).
Strip lead insulation back 0.375 inch and
Securing fan to shaft couplings is
install terminal lugs on leads. Connect
only to protect fan from damage
leads R4 and R5 to rectifier assembly.
and for ease of handling.
o. Position leads Rl, R2, and R3 from
s. Position fan (6) on shaft couplings (5)
exciter rotor assembly (33) through insu-
lator (30) holes and cut leads long enough to
suitable screws and nuts 180 degrees apart.
connect to rectifier assembly (12). Strip
Install fan (6), shaft couplings (5), retainer
Change 8