TM 5-6115-400-35
flange and the cylinder heads, holding the sleeve in
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
place and serving as a coolant and pressure seal at the
(1) Whenever
upper end of the sleeve.
overhauled, the block should be
b. Inspection and Removal.
thoroughly inspected for any conditions
that would render it unfit for further use.
The cylinder sleeves may be removed and
Such inspection must be made after all
replaced while the engine is installed in the unit by
the parts have been removed and it has
removing the cylinder head, oil pan, oil pump and
been thoroughly cleaned with live steam,
associated tubing, and the piston and connecting rod
or a suitable solvent, and dried with
compressed air.
(2) All the oil passages in the cylinder block
Removal of the cylinder sleeves
must be cleaned before assembling the
while the engine is installed is only
Effective cleaning of these
recommended in emergencies or
passages can be accomplished only with
when it is impractical to remove the
the use of high steam pressure with a
engine from the unit.
solvent used in the water to dissolve the
(1) Check cylinder sleeves for roundness by
sludge and foreign material that has
means of a gage similar to the one shown
Remove the oil pressure
regulating valve and the various plugs of
measure cylinder sleeve for taper and
the oil galleries to clean the passages.
wear. The specified inside diameter of a
After cleaning, flush the passages with
cylinder sleeve is 5.251 inches-5.252
clean water (under pressure) to remove
all traces of the solvent.
(2) When measuring cylinder sleeves with an
(3) To clean the water jacket of the cylinder
block, apply high pressure steam and
position parallel to crankshaft then at right
water to the block and turn the block in
various positions while this is being done
measurements should be taken at several
so that the loose scale will be washed out.
locations within the area of piston ring
travel. The normal pattern of wear in
cylinder sleeves will show maximum wear
the location of the plugs removed for
at the top three-fourths of ring travel.
cleaning of the passages in the
(3) If maximum sleeve wear at top of ring
cylinder block and be sure the
does not exceed .003 inch out-of-round,
regulating valve and all the plugs are
.009 inch total wear, and if no
reinstalled in their proper places
after the block has been cleaned and
dried. The plugs must be installed
(standout), the sleeves may be reinstalled
so that they do not interfere with
with a life expectancy of approximately
one-half to three-fourths of new sleeves.
attached parts.
The sleeves must be free of cracks,
62. Cylinder Sleeves
scores, and other physical defects.
a. General.
The removable wet-type cylinder
(4) If the cylinder sleeves are to be reused, it
sleeves are made of alloyed cast iron. Three packing
is important that the ridge above the ring
rings, fitted into grooves in the lower outside
travel is removed with a hone or a ridge
circumference of the sleeve prevent water leakage into
removing tool similar to the one shown in
the oil pan. The sleeve is retained at the top by a flange
which fits into a machined recess in the cylinder block.
area is broken.
The cylinder head gaskets are compressed between this