TM 5-6115-400-35
Figure 96. Crankshaft and main bearings.
area around plugs to prevent them from
If crankshaft is ground, the diameter of
main bearing journals should be reduced
in steps of .010 inch, .020 inch, .030 inch,
d. Crankshaft Installation.
or .040 inch below 3.995 inches-3.996
(1) Install the upper halves of main bearing
inches to fit the undersize main bearing
shells in position in bearing seats of the
shells. If out-of-round or taper of journals
cylinder block.
exceeds .002 inch, crankshaft must be
reground to a standard undersize or
Make certain the backs of bearing
shells are free from dirt and grit
(4) Remove the hex-socket pipe plugs from
crankshaft and blow out all oil passages in
(2) Lubricate all crankshaft main bearing
crankshaft with compressed air. Reinstall
journals and lower crankshaft into position
plugs, tighten them securely until they are
in the cylinder block with flywheel flange
1/16 inch below crankshaft surface. Peen
end of crankshaft toward the rear.