TM 5-6115-400-35
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(7) Clean the locations within the cylinder
block at which the oil jets are to be
(1) Clean the flywheel with an approved
(8) Install each oil jet at its original location in
(2) Check to see if flywheel surface is scored
the cylinder block, turning the crankshaft
or heat-checked; flywheel should be
as necessary to gain access to each oil jet
machined smooth or replaced if either
location. Secure oil jets with retaining
condition exists. It is very important that
all burrs and nicks be removed from the
retaining screw to a maximum torque of
flywheel surface that fits against the
35 ft. lbs.
crankshaft flange. If this surface is not
smooth and true, the flywheel may have a
Caution. The clearances between
slight wobble.
the oil jet nozzle and the connecting
(3) If flywheel surface is scored or heat-
rod, crankshaft check, and balancing
checked, it may be machined smooth;
pad of the piston are close. Therefore,
replace the flywheel if more than 1/16
after each jet assembly has been
inch of stock must be removed.
installed, the crankshaft with pistons
Note. In cases where it is necessary
installed) should be rotated to see if jet
to machine the face of the flywheel, the
nozzle has proper clearance between it
same amount of material must be
and moving parts.
If there is no
machined from the face of the flywheel
clearance between the nozzle and the
rim (and also from the counterbore, if
moving parts and the oil jet has been
applicable) as is machined from the
installed correctly, the oil jet must be
face of the flywheel. This is necessary
replaced, otherwise damage might
in order to maintain the flywheel depth.
occur to the oil jet and prohibit
effective piston cooling.
It is not
d. Flywheel Ring Gear.
recommended that a nozzle be bent to
(1) Remove ring gear from flywheel by
obtain clearance, of a tapping force
grinding a notch through the ring gear at
applied to it as the nozzle may become
root of one of the teeth; then expand the
crimped or solder ring cracked.
ring and drive it from its position. Do not
attempt to remove ring gear without-first
expanding it.
53. Flywheel and Ring Gear
a. General. The flywheel assembly is bolted to a
(2) To install a flywheel ring gear, proceed as
flange on the rear end of the crankshaft. One bolt hole
in the flywheel is offset and the flywheel can be attached
(a) The ring gear is shrunk onto the
to the crankshaft flange in only one position. A starter
ring gear is shrunk on the rim of the flywheel.
gear to approximately 300325
b. Flywheel Removal.
(dull red heat visible in the dark),
then placing in position on the
attaching flywheel to the crankshaft
Note. Do not heat the ring gear
flange. Remove flywheel.
to a bright red as the heat-
Note. It may be necessary to remove
treatment of the gear will be
the flywheel timing holes cover and
pry flywheel loose with a suitable bar.
(b) After heating, start ring gear on the
flywheel so that when the flywheel is
installed the chamfered ends of the
teeth on the ring gear will face the
cylinder block.