TM 5-6115-400-35
(2) When more than one fuel injection nozzle
Do not allow the solution to get on
holder is disassembled, keep parts of
each separate. Complete disassembly of
the hands or body; use tweezers or
the fuel injection nozzle holder is seldom
the basket method to handle the
In most cases only
parts. For faster and better cleaning
disassembly and cleaning of the nozzle.
results, the carbon and rust remover
valve body and valve is required to place
should be heated to approximately
the nozzle holder in good operational
200 . The parts generally can be
condition. The nozzle valve and nozzle
separated in two or three minutes;
valve body are mated parts, and must be
however, for stubborn cases they
kept together; if replacement of either part
can be left in the solution longer.
is necessary, both parts must be replaced
(e) The valve seat and the seat in the
as matched sets.
valve body are originally ground to
(3) Nozzle
slightly different angles to provide a
Disassembly, Cleaning, and Assembly
line contact seat between the two
Practically all the wear
(a) Clamp nozzle holder body in a vise
occurs in the seat in the valve body.
having copper jaws or similar
The valve should never be lapped
protective material.
to the seat in the valve body.
(f) Using a magnifying glass, inspect
and gasket from upper end of
condition of seat in the valve body.
nozzle holder.
Loosen pressure
If the seat is damaged or worn in
adjusting screw locknut (3) and turn
any way to prevent proper seating
pressure adjusting screw out
of the valve, the nozzle assembly
sufficiently to release spring tension
must be replaced. Examine the
on spindle spring.
lapped bore in valve body for any
(c) Loosen and remove the nozzle
signs of scoring.
If scoring is
retaining nut (10). Remove the
apparent, the nozzle
nozzle valve body (7) and nozzle
must be replaced.
valve (8) from the retaining nut.
(g) The outer surfaces of the valve
Start the nut back onto the holder
body may be cleaned with a brass
body to protect the lapped end of
wire brush. Do not scrape carbon
the holder body.
from the surface around the orifices
in tip of valve body with any hard
(d) Withdraw the valve from the valve
object as damage may result.
body and place them in carbon and
rust remover solution for cleaning.
(h) Using a .016 inch wire, clean the
Normally, the valve can easily be
four orifices in the valve body tip.
withdrawn from the valve body,
(i) Visually inspect the condition of the
however, in some cases it may be
valve, preferably with aid of a
necessary to soak the valve body
magnifying glass.
The lapped
and valve in the carbon and rust
surface (large O.D.) of the valve
remover solution before the valve
must be smooth and free of signs of
can be withdrawn. After removing
scoring. Also, the valve must not
the parts from the solution,
show any wear or damage at seat
immediately place them in clean
location. If the valve is damaged in
diesel fuel for neutralizing. Always
any way, the nozzle assembly must
handle the parts care fully to protect
be replaced.
the lapped surfaces.