TM 5-6115-400-35
Capscrews in locations 18, 20, 19, and 17, are 3/4" diameter, all others 5/8" diameter.
5/8" capscrews - 180-185 lbs. ft. (With lubricated threads)
3/4" capscrews - 260-275 lbs. ft. (With lubricated threads)
1. Align cylinder head manifold mounting surfaces
2. Tighten capscrews in numerical sequence to 1/2 specified torque.
3. Tighten capscrews in numerical sequence to full specified torque.
4. Again tighten capscrews in numerical sequence to full specified torque.
5. Run engine until water temperature reaches minimum 160F and again tighten capscrews to full
specified torque.
Figure 42. Cylinder head capscrew torque sequence.
(2) Turn the valve handle of the nozzle tester
Install spray collector over valve end of
to the open position. Loosen the tester
the nozzle.
filler cap to prevent an air lock in the
(4) Open the nozzle tester valve. Operate
tester. Operate the tester handle until fuel
tester handle a few quick strokes and
flows from end of tester fuel line, then
observe popping pressure of the fuel
close the tester valve.
injection nozzle as indicated by the nozzle
(3) Install and connect fuel injection nozzle
tester pressure gauge.
holder to the nozzle tester.
popping pressure is 2,900 psi.)