TM 5-6115-400-35
have replaced them one of the marks must be
deleted. Delete the calibrating mark stamped
on the control sleeve, use a very fine narrow file
Note. The assembly marks on the yoke
for the operation. (Do not file at the bench
of the plunger and on the guide slot of the
where the pump assembly is being done.) After
the calibrating mark has been removed,
plunger must slide freely in its barrel and
thoroughly clean the control sleeve and dry with
also in the slots of the control sleeve.
dry compressed air. Replace control sleeves
Release the plunger puller and remove it.
meshing the control sleeve segment with the
control rack and positioning the control sleeves
(8) Replace tappet guide screws (44, fig. 15) and
so that the segment clamping screws are
gaskets (45) and tighten to 145-155 inch lbs. To
parallel with the control rack.
facilitate the installation of the camshaft later,
install the tappets without the timing spacer (49).
Caution. Move control rack to maximum
Special Service Tool TSE 76160 or equivalent
travel in both directions to see that the slot
is used to compress the plunger springs. Screw
in gear segment lines up with boss on
the base plug attached to the tool in number one
.pump housing at each end. If it does not,
base hold, position the lever so the brass ram
then gear is not timed properly and will have
will enter the tappet roller.
to set gear segment in proper tooth on
control rack. Check that the control rack
operates freely.
mark will be replaced in alinement with the
mark on the gear segment after the pump
has been calibrated.
(6) Replace upper spring seat (55) over control
sleeves and insert the plunger springs (54)
through the base plug bore, so it rests on the
upper spring seat.
Caution. The plunger and barrel are lapped
assemblies and it is imperative that the plunger
returns to its respective barrel.
(7) Hold the correct plunger for the particular barrel
being served in a vertical position with the
special plunger puller, slip the lower spring seat
on the plunger above the plunger yoke. Insert
the plunger into the barrel through the base plug
bore. Exercise care, do not use force when
Figure 16. Alining plunger and control sleeve
assembly marks.