TM 5-6115-400-35
Figure 17. Remaining (or installing) temporary tappet retaining pins.
Note. Make certain timing line on coupling
(5) If adjustment is required, it can be accomplished
and No. 1 top center timing line coincide
through the raising or lowering the tappet with
(6) Reinstall the delivery valve, spring and delivery
valve holder.
(3) Position a suitable screw driver under the knob
(51, fig. 15) of the tappet and raise the plunger
(7) The pump can now be timed internally in the
until it contacts the bottom of the delivery valve
manner outlined in subparagraph g, below.
body. Hold the plunger in this position and
(8) Mount pump on test stand and connect test oil
record measurement on depth gage or dial
lines for flow timing.
(9) Inscribe a line on the pump end plate to
(4) The difference between the two figures
coincide with the line on the drive coupling to
represents the distance between the top of the
indicate the flowed position of this plunger, if no
plunger and the bottom of the delivery valve
mark is present, or a new end plate used.
body. This figure is generally (0.020 inch) with
Note. Never change timing mark on pump
limits of 0.012 inch to 0.028 inch.