TM 5-6115-400-35
(2) Remove the fuel transfer pump (33, fig. 15).
(14) Insert the plain end of tappet lifter TSE 7697 or
equivalent through the base plug bore and rest
(3) Drain all lubrication oil from the governor
the plain end squarely on the tappet roller.
Compress the plunger spring and remove the
(4) Remove the governor housing fastening screws
tappet retaining pin. Remove the remaining
tappet retaining pins in a similar manner. The
(5) Carefully disengage the governor housing (99,
tappet lifter is inserted through the end plate
bore, the prongs are snapped around the tappet
disengage the governor linkage pin (45) from
shell. Tappet assembly (52) is then lifted and
the injection pump control rack.
withdrawn through the end plate bore.
(6) Remove the governor housing gasket (53).
(15) Use Service Tool TSE 7661 if available, through
the base plug bore, and carefully withdraw
(8) Remove base plus (84, fig. 15) with special
plunger (56) and lower spring seat (53).
pronged wrench Service Tool TSE 76157.
(9) Service Tool TSE 76159B or equivalent is used
Note. Plunger and barrel are lapped,
to compress plunger spring.
Hold the
precision built and mated parts.
It is
compressing tool so the lever and adjustable
essential that each plunger be returned to its
prongs are on top. The lower prongs are
mated barrel. The components parts are not
inserted between the lower spring seat and
tappet knob. The adjustable prongs are placed
recommended that as each plunger is
between the delivery valve holder and pump.
removed from the pump it be placed in a
The lever is pressed downward to compress the
numbered pan. The plunger and barrel
spring. With the plunger spring compressed,
nearest the drive coupling is usually
rotate the camshaft (78, fig. 15) until tappet
considered the number one "cylinder".
assembly is positioned to allow access to the
Further, the lapped surface of the plunger
tappet knob (51). Use two narrow bladed screw
should not be handled as this is apt to
drivers to pry tappet knob sufficiently to remove
corrode it.
the timing spacer (49). Reseat the tappet knob.
(10) Rotate the camshaft until the hole in the tappet
Withdraw plunger spring (54). Remove control
shell (48, fig. 15) is exposed and insert tappet
sleeve (58) and upper spring seat (55) as a unit
retaining pins, Service Tool TSE 76156B to
by raising them over the barrel and withdrawing
facilitate removal of the camshaft.
it through the inspection opening.
Follow the same procedure for the remaining
tappet assemblies.
(16) Remove control rack stop screw and carefully
(11) Remove hexagon nut (68) and lockwasher (69).
withdraw control rack (3).
Remove flywheel.
Remove tappet guide screws (44) and gaskets
(12) Remove end plate fastening screws (70, 71 and
30) from both ends of 38 pump housing and
(17) Remove and replace the pump in a vise in an
withdraw end plates (73 and 27).
upright position.
(13) Remove two center bearing retaining screws
(18) Delivery valve holder (66) is removed with 1-1/4
(80). Carefully withdraw camshaft and center
inch socket wrench (modified to thin wall
bearing from pump housing.
construction). Remove delivery valve springs